Page 31 - Insurance Times July 2023
P. 31

AXA: AXA has established a number of sustainability  to manage risks and support sustainable business
             targets, including a goal to become carbon neutral by  practices.
             2040. The company has also developed a number of
                                                                 Develop  and  implement sustainability  policies:
             products and services focused on sustainability, such as  Insurance companies can develop and implement
             a  program to help customers reduce their carbon
                                                                 sustainability policies that outline their commitments to
             footprint.                                          addressing ESG issues and set targets for improving their
             Zurich: Zurich has established a number of sustainability  environmental and social performance.
             targets, including a goal to become carbon neutral by  Engage with  stakeholders: Insurance companies
             2025. The company has also developed a number of
                                                                 should engage with stakeholders, including customers,
             initiatives to support sustainability, including a program  employees, and investors, to understand their ESG
             to support the development of renewable energy      concerns  and preferences  and  to ensure that their
                                                                 business practices align with these expectations.
                                                                 Disclose ESG information: Insurance companies can
          Some  specific  examples  from  India
                                                                 transparently disclose information  about their ESG
          include:                                               performance and practices to stakeholders, including
             HDFC Life: HDFC Life has  developed a number of     through the use of sustainability reporting frameworks
             initiatives to support sustainability, including a program  such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
             to  promote  the  use of  renewable  energy and a   Collaborate  with  industry  partners:  Insurance
             commitment to reduce the company's carbon footprint.  companies can also collaborate with other industry
             ICICI Prudential: ICICI Prudential has established a  partners and participate in industry initiatives focused
             number of sustainability targets, including a goal to  on addressing ESG challenges in order to drive broader
             become carbon neutral by 2030. The company has also  change and achieve collective impact.
             developed  a  number  of  initiatives  to  support
             sustainability, such as a program to promote the use of  How can ESG goals add customer value?
             renewable energy.
                                                              ESG goals can add customer value in a number of ways.
             Bajaj Allianz: Bajaj Allianz has developed a number of  Some specific examples include:
             initiatives to  address ESG challenges,  including a  1.  Meeting customer needs: By addressing ESG issues,
             commitment to support the transition to a low-carbon  insurance companies can demonstrate a commitment
             economy and a focus on promoting diversity and      to sustainability and corporate responsibility, which may
             inclusion within the company.                       be important to customers who value these issues.
             Max Life: Max  Life has  established  a  number  of  2.  Enhancing reputation: By meeting their ESG goals,
             sustainability targets, including a goal to become  insurance companies can enhance their reputation and
             carbon  neutral  by  2030.  The  company  has  also  build trust with customers, which can lead to increased
             developed  a  number  of  initiatives  to  support  customer loyalty.
             sustainability, such as a program to promote the use of
                                                              3.  Providing new products and services:  Insurance
             renewable energy.
                                                                 companies that are focused on ESG issues may be able
                                                                 to develop new products and services that address
          How can Insurance Industry sustain long
                                                                 customer needs related to sustainability and corporate
          term through ESG?                                      responsibility.
          The insurance industry can sustain itself in the long term  4.  Supporting social and environmental causes: By
          through ESG by taking a proactive approach to managing  supporting social and environmental causes through
          environmental,  social,  and  governance  risks  and   their ESG goals, insurance companies can provide value
          opportunities. Some specific steps that insurance companies  to customers who are interested in supporting these
          can take to sustain themselves in the long term through ESG  causes.
             Incorporate ESG considerations into underwriting  By  meeting  their  ESG  goals  and  demonstrating  a
             and investment decisions: Insurance companies can  commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility,
             consider environmental, social, and governance factors  insurance companies can add value to their customers and
             in their underwriting and investment decisions in order  build strong, long-term relationships.

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