Page 29 - Insurance Times July 2023
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and financial performance in the long term. This may involve  Emerging  risks:  The  insurance industry was  already
          adopting sustainable business practices, implementing  beginning to see the impact of emerging risks such as cyber-
          strong governance and  risk  management systems, and  attacks  and  climate  change  on  its  operations  and
          engaging with stakeholders on ESG issues.           underwriting practices.

          The  insurance  industry  has  been  facing  a  range  of After the pandemic:
          environment, social, and governance (ESG) challenges in the  Changes in demand: The pandemic has led to significant
          post-pandemic environment. Some of these challenges  changes in demand for certain types of insurance coverage.
          include:                                            For example,  demand for travel insurance has  declined
             Climate  change: The insurance industry  is facing  significantly due to travel restrictions, while demand for
             increased risks due to climate change, such as more  health insurance and business interruption insurance has
             frequent and severe natural disasters. Insurance  increased.
             companies need to adapt to these changes and consider
                                                              Financial impact:  The pandemic has also had a financial
             their  exposure  to  climate-related  risks  in  their
                                                              impact on the insurance industry, with some companies
             underwriting and investment decisions.
                                                              experiencing higher claims payouts due to the increased
             Social issues: The pandemic has highlighted social
                                                              frequency of natural disasters and other events. In addition,
             inequalities  and the  need for more  inclusive and
                                                              the  value  of  certain  investments held  by insurance
             sustainable business practices. Insurance companies are
                                                              companies may have been affected by market volatility. The
             under pressure to address social issues such as diversity,
                                                              pandemic has also highlighted a number of ESG risks facing
             equity, and inclusion in their operations and  supply
                                                              the insurance industry, including risks related to climate
                                                              change, social issues, and governance.
             Governance  challenges: The  pandemic  has  also
             highlighted the importance of strong governance and Steps by insurance companies to meet
             risk management in the insurance industry. Companies
                                                              ESG goals
             are being scrutinized for their decision-making and risk
                                                              There are a number of steps that insurance companies can
             management practices, and there is a need for greater
                                                              take to meet their ESG goals and address the challenges
             transparency and accountability.
                                                              facing the industry:
             Changing customer needs: The pandemic has also led
                                                              1.  Incorporate ESG considerations into underwriting
             to changes in customer needs and preferences, which  and investment decisions: Insurance companies can
             may require insurance  companies  to adapt their    consider environmental, social, and governance factors
             products and services in order to meet these changing  in their underwriting and investment decisions in order
             needs.                                              to manage risks and support sustainable business
          Companies  need to be proactive in addressing  these
                                                              2.  Develop  and  implement sustainability  policies:
          challenges in order to maintain the trust and confidence of
                                                                 Insurance companies can develop and implement
          their stakeholders.
                                                                 sustainability policies that outline their commitments to
                                                                 addressing ESG issues and set targets for improving their
          Insurance sector before and after the
                                                                 environmental and social performance.
          pandemic                                            3.  Engage with stakeholders: Insurance companies can
          The insurance industry has been impacted by the COVID-19  engage  with  stakeholders,  including  customers,
          pandemic in a number of ways. Some of the key ways in  employees, and investors, to understand their ESG
          which the insurance sector has been affected before and  concerns  and preferences  and  to ensure that their
          after the pandemic include:                            business practices align with these expectations.
                                                              4.  Disclose ESG information: Insurance companies can
          Before the pandemic:                                   transparently disclose information  about their ESG
          Strong financial performance: Prior to the pandemic, the  performance and practices to stakeholders, including
          insurance industry was generally experiencing  strong  through the use of sustainability reporting frameworks
          financial performance, with rising premiums and profits.  such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

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