Page 32 - Insurance Times July 2023
P. 32

Wearable Tech and



          Personalized                                                                            Rohit Boda
                                                                                        Group Managing Director
                                                                                                J. B. Boda Group
          Insurance Solutions

           The popularity of wearable tech has skyrocketed as people increasingly prioritize their health and
           well-being. These devices allow users to monitor their daily activities, such as steps taken, calories
           burned, heart rate, and sleep patterns. They provide valuable insights into fitness progress, enabling
           individuals to set goals and track their performance.

               n  recent years, wearable tech has emerged as a  aims  to facilitate Actofit's  growth and innovation. This
          I    transformative force in the world of technology. These  collaboration represents a significant milestone for both
               innovative devices, designed to be worn on the body,
                                                              organizations, creating new opportunities for market
               have not only revolutionized our lives but have also  expansion and disrupting the industry. Actofit's expertise in
          opened up new possibilities in various industries. From fitness  advanced  healthcare  services  and  wearable devices
          trackers and smart watches to augmented reality glasses  complements J.B.Boda’ s strategic vision, strengthening their
          and smart clothing, wearable tech has become an integral  ability to offer comprehensive insurance solutions.
          part of our daily routines.
                                                              The popularity of wearable tech has skyrocketed as people
          At the core of the health tech revolution lies the integration of  increasingly prioritize their health and well-being. These
          technology and biology. Actofit, a prominent player in the  devices allow users to monitor their daily activities, such as
          industry, has successfully harnessed this synergy to develop a  steps taken, calories burned, heart rate, and sleep patterns.
          range of cutting-edge fitness products. Their smart scale,  They provide valuable insights into fitness progress, enabling
          wearable devices, and impulse workout tracker enable users to  individuals to set goals and track their performance. Smart
          track various body composition parameters, exercise routines,  watches, in particular, have transformed the way we interact
          heart rate, and sleep patterns. By providing comprehensive  with technology by offering features beyond just telling time.
          health data, Actofit empowers individuals to embark on their  They focus on improving health monitoring capabilities and
          fitness journey armed with the necessary information.  expanding app ecosystems in the health tech  industry,
                                                              thereby significantly contributing to a healthy and fulfilling
          Recognizing the immense potential of health tech, RB  lifestyle through  various features and functionalities.
          Ventures and  J.B.Boda Group, India’s  first multinational  Wearable tech can monitor fitness levels, set goals, and
          Reinsurance broking house and a leading insurance solution  provide real-time feedback on progress. These devices offer
          provider, have joined forces with Actofit to support their  motivation for individuals to stay active and make informed
          visionary approach. Through a strategic fund raise, J.B.Boda  decisions about their well-being, leading to improved

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