Page 46 - Insurance Times March 2021
P. 46

Technical Paper Writing Contest 2020 - Results

         We are pleased to announce the results for Technical Paper       Topic - HOW ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS
         Writing Contest 2020. The contest was launched in early          PROGRESSING IN INDIAN INSURANCE
         2020. But due to COVID 19 pandemic and lockdown the              INDUSTRY
         results could not be announced.                                  Ms. Bhawna Dahiya,
                                                                          Asst. Vice President, IDFC Bank
         We received overwhelming response to the contest with
         more than 50 entries in the contest. Firstoff all we would  2nd Prize  Rs. 8500
                                                                          Cash Prize of Rs. 6,000
         like to give sincere thanks to all participants of the Contest
                                                                          FREE 2 Year Subscription of The Insurance
         and applaud efforts made by all of them.  We really thank
                                                                          Times  - Hardcopy + Online Edition
         them for extensive research on the subject and we hope           FREE Sashi Publications Gift Voucher for
         these research works will contribute positively in growth of     Rs. 750
         insurance industry. These contests play an important role in     Merit Certificate
         research and development in the industry and helps in
         outlining future road maps for growth.                           Topic - Surety Bonds - Global Market
                                                                          Understanding and Information
         Our Editorial Committee incharge of the review of the            Technology Solution Themes
         entries had an extremely difficult task to adjudge the best      Mr. Kanya Saraswathy Chandrasekaran,
         entries. There were quite a good number of entries               Tata Consultancy Services
         qualifying for the best spot. But at the end we need to select  3rd Prize  Rs. 5500
         few for the prize.                                               Cash Prize of Rs. 4000
                                                                          FREE 1 Year Subscription of The Insurance
         Here is the list of prize winners. In the third prize spot we    Times  - Hardcopy + Online Edition
         have awarded joint prize to 3 entries. The committee also        FREE Sashi Publications Gift Voucher for
         decided to institute a special category Editors Special Prize    Rs. 500
         wherein four entries has been awarded. Total 8 entries has       Merit Certificate
         qualified for the Consolation Prizes.
                                                                          1) Topic - INSURE TECH - A Tool for
         Congratulations to all winners!!                                   Insurance Penetration
                                                                            Shashi Kant Dahuja (Chief Underwriting
                                                                            Officer) FIII, ACII, Chartered Insurer
         We again would like to convey our sincere appreciation to
                                                                            Shriram General Insurance Co. Ltd.
         all participants for their hard work and efforts for making
         this contest a success.                                          2) Topic - Fraud Risk Management
                                                                            through Control Measures: Cost v/s
               The Insurance Times Technical                                utility
           Research Paper Competition  - PRIZE                              Shibyanshu Sharma,
                                                                            CRMP, CRISC, ARM, FIII, ALMI, ACS, ARA
                                                                            SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd,
          1st Prize  Rs. 11500
                     Cash Prize of Rs. 7,500                              3) Topic - TECHNOLOGY CHANGING THE
                     FREE 3 Year Subscription of The Insurance              LANDSCAPE OF MICRO INSURANCE
                     Times  - Hardcopy + Online Edition                     Mr. Rakesh Arikathota,
                     FREE Sashi Publications Gift Voucher for               Student, PGDM - Insurance, BIMTECH
                     Rs. 1000                                               Prof. Manoj Kumar Pandey,
                     Merit Certificate                                      Faculty, BIMTECH

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