Page 48 - Insurance Times March 2021
P. 48


                A month of forging new partnerships at Birla

             Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH)

         Tie up with The Institute of Risk Management         to an "IRMCert" designation.
         (IRM), the UK
         February 24 th,2021:  Birla Institute of Management  Tie up with The India Insurtech Association
         Technology (BIMTECH) and The Institute of Risk       February 25, 2021: Birla Institute of Management
         Management (IRM) the UK, India chapter signed an MOU  Technology (BIMTECH) and India Insurtech Association (IIA)
         to offer IRM qualifications for BIMTECH students and  announced a tie-up to collaborate on matters of mutual
         Alumni. The MoU signing event started with a welcome  interests relating to the Insurance & InsurTech industry. Prof.
         address by Prof. (Dr.) Abhijit Chattoraj, Professor &  (Dr.) Harivansh Chaturvedi, Director, BIMTECH, and Mr.
         Chairperson PGDM-IBM-BIMTECH, followed by an address  Prerak Sethi, Co-Founder of India Insurtech Association (IIA)
         by Ms. Carolyn Williams, Director, Corporate Relations, IRM-  signed an agreement to this effect at BIMTECH campus
         UK, and Mr. Sanjay Himatsingani, Director, Training &  today in the presence of Prof (Dr.) Abhijit Chattoraj-
         Development, IRM-UK. Prof. (Dr.) H. Chaturvedi Director  Professor and Chairperson, PGDM, Insurance Business
         BIMTECH and Mr. Hersh Shah, Chief Executive Officer, IRM-  Management, BIMTECH, Prof. Manoj Pandey, Prof. Pratik
         UK gave a short speech and signed the MoU. Prof. Manoj  Priyadarshi, Prof. Monika Mittal, and Prof. Manoj Pareek.
         Kumar Pandey, Associate Professor, PGDM-IBM and Dr.  The two well-known entities have joined hands to help build
         Manoj Pareek, Assistant Professor- PGDM-IBM faculties  a strong InsurTech ecosystem in India. Both organizations
         were also present on the occasion. The event concluded with  look forward to collaborating on joint projects and research
         a vote of thanks by Prof. Pratik Priyadarshi, Associate  initiatives. This alliance consolidates BIMTECH's avowed
         Professor, PGDM-IBM                                  commitment towards fostering best global practices.

         The Institute of Risk Management (IRM) (Head Quartered  Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH), a
         in the UK) is the world's leading professional body for  leading B school, is constantly focused on a vision to be at
         Enterprise Risk Management qualifications, training, and  forefront of bringing excellence in higher education by
         research. IRM provides qualifications for Enterprise Risk  bringing global standards to the educational sphere.
         Management, which is a broader concept than financial or
         insurance risk.                                      India Insurtech Association (IIA) is a non-profit organization
                                                              focused on bringing together all the stakeholders in the
         BIMTECH has been granted exemption from IRM's Level 1  InsureTech industry in India. IIA is focused to increase the
         examination in India where all BIMTECH students and alumni  velocity of the digital transformation of the insurance
         members who have passed the BIMTECH course "Risk     industry in India. The India InsurTech Association's goal is
         Management" under course code "INS-201" will get direct  to facilitate the promotion of usage of technology across
         access to IRM's Level 2 qualification that will entitle them  the insurance value chain in India.

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