Page 39 - Life Insurance Today FEBRUARY 2016
P. 39

Private Life Insurance

Companies News

AXA enhances stake in                        cent at an investment of Rs.1,664         would be refunded for a policy that has
Bharti to 49%                                crore, subject to requisite approvals.    run for more than three years and ac-
                                                                                       quired paid-up value results in claim
French insurer AXA has increased its         "At ABNL, our endeavour is to create      within three years from the date of
stake in its life and general insurance      long-term value for all stakeholders by   last revival and it is found that there
joint ventures, Bharti AXA Life Insur-       investing in promising sectors. At the    was suppression of material facts at
ance and Bharti AXA General Insur-           same time, the thrust has always been     the time of insurance of policy.
ance to the maximum permissible limit        to keep the standalone balance sheet
of 49 per cent recently.                     strong, which has been the growth         Vighnesh Shahane, chief executive of-
                                             engine for ABNL," the diversified con-    ficer, IDBI Federal Life Insurance, said
The government earlier in 2015 had           glomerate said in an update.              they were following the section from
allowed foreign promoters to raise                                                     the date of passage of the Ordinance;
their stake up to 49 per cent after the      The NBFC and housing finance busi-        that is from December 24, 2014. He
passage of the insurance Amendment           nesses are growing at a strong pace       said, "We have made a minor change
bill. "This transaction confirms AXA's       and require capital support. ABNL has     - earlier, the guarantee was not appli-
long-term commitment towards the             capital commitments to the tune of        cable to death claim arising within two
Indian insurance market and is an-           Rs.600 crore for 2015-16 towards          years of insurance, commencement or
other step in our development in Asia"       these two businesses.                     revival of policy or addition/deletion of
said AXA Asia CEO Jean-Louis Laurent                                                   any rider, now we have increased this
Josi.                                        The Insurance Act,2015 in-                cap to three years,".
                                             terpretation mystification
Aditya Birla Nuvo to ven-                                                              Hence, the claims guarantee norms
ture into 5 sectors of Sun                   The Insurance Act, 2015 contained         would underdog a change.
Life                                         provisions for non-life insurance claim
                                             rejection after three years, has been     Aegon Religare Life re-
Aditya Birla Nuvo (ABNL) intends to          interpreted differently by the insurers.  named as Aegon Life In-
install the money it will receive, from      The small hitch is that many are as-      surance
the sale of 23 per cent stake in Birla       suming it retrospectively from 2012,
Sun Life Insurance (BSLI) to join ven-       others are looking at it from the date    Private player Aegon Religare Life In-
ture partner Sun Life Financial, in five     of passage of the ordinance.              surance Company is renamed as
segments - non-banking finance, hous-                                                  Aegon Life Insurance Company Ltd
ing finance, health insurance, pay-          Section 45 of the Act says no claim can   with effect from 5th December 2015
ments bank and solar power.                  be repudiated after three years of the    following the exit of Religare from the
                                             policy coming in force. Even if there is  joint venture.
Aditya Birla Nuvo, had on December           a misrepresentation of facts, claims
2, 2015, announced that Sun Life Fi-         cannot be rejected.                       Managing Director and CEO of the
nancial will increase its stake in the life                                            company K. S. Gopalakrishnan said
insurance joint venture, Birla Sun Life      Life insurers had sought clarifications   that the insurance market was not ho-
Insurance, to 49 per cent from 26 per        from IRDAI on whether premium             mogenous, but heterogeneous, and

38                                           February 2016                             Life Insurance Today

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