Page 41 - Life Insurance Today FEBRUARY 2016
P. 41

Insurance Regulatory
And Development

Authority News

10 companies lined up for                ucts, such as unit linked insurance       a vehicle, it is not generally renewed
foreign investment                       plans will not be sold out of the         from the second year onwards.
                                         counter. He said the regulator has
As many as 10 insurance companies        asked insurers to ease claims settle-     "We are working on developing neces-
have applied for regulatory clearances   ment procedures following the             sary protocols to take this arrange-
to bring in foreign investment of        Chennai floods and is looking at the      ment forward," the official said, add-
Rs.6,192 crore, the government said.     pace of settlement, especially that of    ing that identification of uninsured ve-
On March 23, 2015 the Centre had         non-life insurance, following a large     hicles will be taken up in all the States
notified the hike in foreign direct in-  number of claims.                         in a phased manner.
vestment (FDI) cap to 49 per cent from
26 per cent.                             Centre, IRDAI to crack                    The detector of uninsured vehicles will
                                         down vehicles without                     be helpful to thousands of road acci-
"Ten insurance companies have ap-        TPA Insurance                             dent victims. It is also likely to have a
plied to IRDAI and Foreign Investment                                              positive impact on the general insur-
Promotion Board (FIPB) and the for-      The Centre and the IRDAI plans to get     ers as along with the mandatory cover,
eign investment into India involved in   tough with vehicles plying on the roads   vehicle owners tend to buy other types
these transactions is approximately      without insurance.                        of insurance cover, Taranikanti said.
Rs.6,192 crore," Minister of State for
Finance Jayant Sinha said in a written   "The Ministry of Road Transport and       IRDAI to use satellite tech-
reply.                                   Highway has agreed to share data on       nology for crop-loss settle-
                                         vehicles plying in the country with us    ment
IRDAI plans to sale simple               to identify those without mandatory
products over the counter                motor third-party insurance", Sriram      IRDAI is actively considering the use of
                                         Taranikanti, Executive Director, IRDAI,   satellite remote sensing technology as
IRDAI is working with insurers to bring  told.                                     a mapping tool for agricultural yield
out standardized products that can be                                              estimation and crop losses in a bad
sold over the counter. Accordingly, T.   The data will be shared with the IIB      monsoon year. The move aimed at
S. Vijayan, chairman, IRDAI said, "We    regulator, which, in turn, will collabo-  ensuring faster settlement of crop in-
are working with companies in bring-     rate with the State police to crack       surance losses, comes at a time when
ing out simple products that can be      down on the owners of vehicles plying     the country has experienced back-to-
sold over the counter with generalized   without insurance. There are about        back monsoon failures - the first since
features like savings bank products".    12.5 crore vehicles in the country and    1986-87.
                                         55 per cent of these do not have third-
Vijayan said that the products will be   party insurance, according to the offi-   At present, about 50 crop insurance
pre-underwritten with defined ben-       cial data. While buying insurance is      products are being marketed by the
efits. He clarified that complex prod-   mandatory at the time of purchase of      Agriculture Insurance Company of In-

    "If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals."

40                                       February 2016                             Life Insurance Today

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