Page 18 - Insurance Times April 2017 Special Issue on Newindia
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them personalized and dynamic pricing. For example,  4. Post-payment experience: We have noticed that the
             customers who are proven safe drivers, or take good  maximum grievances and complaints in insurance are
             care of their health, will be given additional discounts  post-payment. Once payment is made, expectations of
             as compare to other customers.                      quick  service  rise  significantly.  Insurers,  and
                                                                 intermediaries, are working on the following:
         2. Outpatient health insurance products: All these years,    Robot-underwriting: Insurers will further their
             thanks  to  the  fragmented  outpatient  health  care   investments on artificial intelligence to bring in
             industry, insurers  have  struggled to  launch  health  deep efficiencies in underwriting as a function. For
             insurance  products  that  offer  coverage  beyond      instance,  machine  reading  and  learning  will
             hospitalization expenses.  Insurers  are working on     ensure that medical test reports for proposals are
             various  models  that  will  leverage  the  growing     instantly  read,  digitized  and  exceptions  auto-
             Smartphone penetration in India to create a viable and  flagged to the underwriter. This will reduce the
             comprehensive health care insurance product. App-       turnaround time for the underwriting verdict after
             based consumption can also help steer consumers to      medical checks from the current average of one
             curate network clinics, ensuring seamless, cashless, and  week to one day.
             paperless claims.
                                                                    KYC documentation: Integrations available with
                                                                     Unique Identification Authority of India will ensure
         3. Focus on-e-commerce based sale: The digital businesses   instant  check  of  Know  Your  Customer  (KYC)
             in India in the current shape and form depend too much  documents.  Insurance  products  that  require
             on contact centres for conversions. Brands today are    mandatory KYC documentation will replace their
             spending significant marketing money to attract relevant  existing  KYC  processes  with  instant  Aadhaar
             traffic to their portals, and then they spend again to  authentication.
             drive conversions. The current online purchase journey,
             the proposal form, and the questions are a near-exact    Advent of chat-bots: Customers will be provided
             replica of the offline journey. However, it's a known fact  round -the -clock support using chat-bots. Through
             worldwide  that  consumers  have  widely  different     online customer accounts, customers will be able
             expectations offline than when they are online. Insurers  to  make  changes  in  their  policy,  increase  or
             will have to build mobile-first purchase journeys with  decrease coverages, make renewal payments, and
             smarter proposal forms, which are integrated with data  request  cancellation’s,  completely  replacing
             platforms  (Aadhaar,  income  tax,  and  health  care   paperwork in these post-sale services.
             platforms, for example). Being cost -effective, pure digital    Improved claims experience: Insurers are already
             distribution will open up a new sachet category of low  using apps to improve customer experience. In
             ticket insurance products. While these will have high   2017, we will see further improvement in claims
             demand, they may not be viable for distribution through  experience,  while  continuous  control  over
             the traditional agency channels.                        fraudulent claims also improves.
                                                                     Apart from providing claim status updates on their
                                                                     apps,  insurers  are  increasingly  empowering
                                                                     consumers to pre-inform about a cashless claim on
                                                                     their  app, so that there is faster admission  in
                                                                     network hospitals. Insurers will also introduce
                                                                     paperless reimbursement claims.
                                                                    Premium collection: The recently launched Unified
                                                                     Payments Interface (UPI) will open up innovative
                                                                     premium collection models. For instance, insurers
                                                                     will be able to use UPI- it works both on smart
                                                                     phones  and  regular  phones -  to send  renewal
                                                                     payment  requests  through  text  messages.
                                                                     Customers  can  simply  click  on  the  message
                                                                     received, tap a few buttons and make an instant
                                                                     renewal payment. 

          18  The Insurance Times, April 2017

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