P. 145
Any profit or loss should be recognized immediately, except that, if the loss is
compensated by future lease payments at below market price
If the loss is compensated by future lease payments at below market price, the profit or
loss should be deferred and amortised in proportion to the lease payments.
If the sale price is above fair value
The excess over fair value should be deferred and amortised over the period for which
the asset is expected to be used.
Further, if the fair value at the time of a sale and leaseback transaction is less than the carrying
amount of the asset, a loss equal to the amount of the difference between the carrying amount
and fair value should be recognized immediately.
Disclosure Requirements:
In the books of lessee in case of financial lease
Assets acquired under finance lease
Reconciliation between the total of minimum lease payments and their present value as
at the balance sheet date with following segregation not later than one year later than
five years
Contingent rents recognized as expense
Future minimum sublease payments expected to be received under non-cancellable
General description of the leasing arrangements
In the books of lessor in case of financial lease
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