P. 26


                    1.  Contingent Assets: A contingent asset may be defined as a possible asset that arises

                        from  past  events  and  existence  will  be  confirmed  only  after  occurrence  or  non-
                        occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of
                        the enterprise.

                        As  per  the  concept  of  prudence  as  well  as  the  present  Accounting  standards,  an
                        enterprise should not recognize a contingent asset.

                    2.  Contingent Liability : A contingent liability is a possible obligation arising from past
                        events and may arise in future depending on the occurrence or non-occurrence of
                        one or more uncertain future events.

                        It may also be a present obligation that arises from past events.

                    3.  Provision:  It  means  any  amount  written  off  or  retained  by  way  of  providing  for
                        depreciation, renewal or in the value of assets or retained by way of providing for any

                        known liability of which the amount cannot be determined with substantial accuracy.

                 S. No.                Provision                            Contingent Liability
                   1.    Provision is a present liability of   Contingent liability is a possible obligation
                         uncertain amount which can be         that may or may not crystallize depending
                         measured reliable by using a          on the occurrence or non-occurrence of one
                         substantial degree of estimation.     or more uncertain future events.
                   2.    A provision meets the recognition     A contingent liability fails to meet the same.
                   3.    Provision is recognized when (a) an   Contingent liability includes present
                         enterprise has a present obligation   obligations that do not meet the recognition
                         arising from past events; an outflow  criteria because either it is not probable that
                         of resources embodying economic       settlement of those obligations will
                         benefits is probable, and (b) a       recognize outflow of economic benefits or
                         reliable estimate can be made of      the Amount cannot be reliably estimated.
                         the amount of the obligation.
                   4.    If the management estimates that it  If the management estimates that it is less
                         is probable that the settlement of    likely that any economic benefit will outflow
                         an obligation will result in outflow   the firm to settle the obligation, it discloses
                         of economic benefits, it recognizes a  the obligation as a contingent liability.
                         provision in the Balance Sheet.

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