Page 47 - The Insurance Times October 2021
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            Events and Happenings at Birla Institute of Management

                                         Technology (BIMTECH)

         BIMTECH's 5th Insurance Colloquium -                 The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) has
                                                              been set up by the Ministry of Human Resources
         2021                                                 Development, Government of India. This framework outlines
         The fifth edition of the eagerly awaited event in the Indian  a methodology to rank institutions across the country. The
         Insurance industry BIMTECH INSURANCE COLLOQUIUM      methodology draws from the overall recommendations broad
         2021organised every year by the Birla Institute of   understanding arrived at by a Core Committee set up by
         Management Technology (BIMTECH) Insurance Business   MHRD, to identify the broad parameters for ranking various
         Management programmewill be held on a virtual platform  universities and institutions. The parameters broadly cover
         on October 8th, 2021. The theme for this year is ''Combating  "Teaching, Learning and Resources," "Research and
         Challenges in the Emerging Insurance Scenarios: A    Professional Practices," "Graduation Outcomes," "Outreach
         Perspective Post Pandemic"                           and Inclusivity," and "Perception".
         BIMTECH regularly acknowledges outstanding contributions
         in the field of Insurance, by conferring Life Time Activities for students
         Achievement Awards to eminent professionals from the  Developing Public Speaking Skills
         industry. During this colloquium, it will honour Mr.  To enhance public speaking and listening skills of the students
         PrabodhThakker, Chairman Global Insurance Brokers Private  and to enhance employability skills like having a mind-set of
         Limited for his outstanding and exemplary contribution to  curiosity, interpersonal skills and understanding of team
         the growth of the Indian insurance industry.
                                                              dynamics.  Our Business Communication Faculty Prof Saloni
         The theme address will be delivered by Mr. Saurabh Mishra,  Sinha teaching effective managerial communication in order
         Joint Secretary(Insurance), Department of Financial Services,  to enhance teaching learning process has integrated an app
         Ministry of Finance, Government of India.            Mentza which enables students to have a live audio
         The keynote address will be given byMr. G.N.         conversation of 20 minutes on diverse topics. This immersive
         Bajpai,FormerChairman of the Securities and Exchange  pedagogical intervention has allowed students to research
         Board of India (SEBI) and Life Insurance Corporation of  and speak live on relevant and sensitive topics chosen by
         India.Presently, Honorary Senior Adviser (Insurance)  them. Discussions were held throughout the month of
         International Financial Services Centres Authority(IFSCA).  September on topics like "Child Labour is Child Abuse",
                                                              "Climate Change", "Internet is Making Us Less Human", "Pros
         The Chartered Insurance Institute(CII), U.K. and The  and Cons of Social Media" etc. Faculty members also attended
         Insurance Times- India are the Education Partner and Media  and reviewed these live conversations to guide students.
         Partner respectively of this colloquium.
         Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH) Workshop by International Guest faculty on
         ranked among the top 50 management institutes in India  Cross Cultural Quotient (CQ)
         in National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF)   One of the must have fundamental skill expected by
         rankings 2021
                                                              corporates is high (CQ). BIMTECH nurtures global mindset,
         On September 9, 2021, Union Education Minister       adaptabiltiy and creative thinking amongst its future
         Dharmendra Pradhan delivered the NIRF Indian Ranking  managers. To expose students to this cultural understanding
         2021 via a webinar on the NIRF's official website. Birla  BIMTECH invited guest faculty of international repute for
         Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH) was     students in first trimester as a part of its Effective Managerial
         ranked 44th in the management category in all India  Communication course. Dr. Aieste Ptakauske, an award-
         rankings of management institutions. This ranking is the  winning international content creator, filmmaker and
         outcome of team BIMTECH's combined efforts, which    educator from Lithuania offered an enriching virtual workshop
         include faculty, staff, management, and students.    on CQ based on her documentary "Ethnic Kitchen".

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