Page 48 - The Insurance Times October 2021
P. 48


         Group Personal Accident

              Ahmedabad Ombudsman Center                      FINDINGS
                                                              The insurer submitted that Company was intimated about
                      Case No.11-005-1207-12                  the death of late (Shri) Gurdev Singh after seven months,
                                                              which was in violation of the policy term and condition. He
                      Mr. Urvishbhai A. Patel
                                                              clarified that considering hardship being faced by the fam-
                                 Vs.                          ily of the deceased, a liberal view has been taken and claim
                                                              was settled on sub-standard basis by paying 75% of the
                    Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd.               admissible amount. Complainant represented that family

                                                              was in a state of shock, even then necessary documents
         Repudiation of Treatment expense Complainant treated for  were produced for a claim.
         accidental injury of his leg and expense incurred for
         Rs.26,712/- was repudiated by the Respondent giving rea-  DECISION
         son that there was no evidence to prove the treatment was  It was held that penalizing a widow for the delay caused in
         due to accidental injury.                            lodging claim is notjustified as reasons for the delay in com-
                                                              municating the claim were spelt out by the widow. Accord-
         The policy was not an individual it is a Group Personal Acci-  ingly, an award was passed with a direction to the insur-
         dent policy issued to a Master Policy holder.        ance company to release the balance payment of Rs.
         Complainant was a known case of DM and taken treatment  25,000/-.
         for unhealing ulcer which is not payable as per policy terms
         and conditions.                                           Guwahati Ombudsman Centre
         In view of this, complaint fails to succeed.                  Complaint No. 11-G8-059/12-13
                                                                              Mrs. Jaya Deka
              Chandigarh Ombudsman Center                                            Vs

                    Case No. GIC/324/REL/11/11                   The Reliance General Insurance Co. Ltd.

                              Raj Kaur                        Complainant: The Complainant stated that her husband Mr.
                                                              Kashab Deka was an insured member under Personal Acci-
                                                              dent Insurance Policy (Group) bearing Policy No.
            Reliance General Insurance Company Ltd.           1503302914000026 procured from the above Insurer by the
                                                              Employer GTFS Multi Services Limited covering the period
         FACTS                                                from 29.05.2010 to 28.05.2011. While the policy was in
         The complaint was filed about Group Personal Accident  force, the Insured met with a motor accident on 03.02.2011
         Policy that covers police personnel. Complainant’s husband,  and succumbed to his injuries on 09.02.2011. Thereafter,
         late (Shri) Gurdev Singh, insured under the policy for Rs.  she lodged a death claim before the Insurer along with all
         1,00,000/- had died in a road accident on 22.04.2009 and  supporting documents. But, the Insurer has repudiated the
         its claim was settled by the company for Rs. 75,000/- only.  claim without any justified ground. Feeling aggrieved, the
         Hence, feeling aggrieved, she had approached this office  Complainant has lodged this complaint.
         for release of remaining balance amount.             Insurer : The Insurer has stated in their “Self Contained

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