Page 18 - Insurance Times May 2022
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average of 1.1%. Recovery in the   specifically, have huge brand recogni-  liver healthcare due to a surge in de-
         economy, increasing vehicle sales and  tion and reputations for digital capa-  mand beyond their capacity, compel-
         a strong pipeline of construction  bilities and fast customer service. They  ling individuals to seek private
         projects are expected to support the  already have strong tie ins to many  healthcare, driving insurance sales.”
         growth of the Malaysian general insur-  homes across the UK, with Google  China was the leading PA&H insurance
         ance industry over the next five years.”  Home and Amazon Echo, respectively.  market in the APAC region with a
                                            Energy suppliers also have a presence  69.5% share of written premiums in
         Google poses the greatest          within UK insurance, with British Gas  2021. Growing middle-income popula-
                                            being the leading supplier of home
         threat to traditional home                                            tion, tax exemption, traction in re-
                                            emergency insurance (for standalone  mote healthcare services, and rising
         insurers as over 25% of UK         products) in the UK.               medical expenses were the major fac-
         consumers would pur-               Carey-Evans adds: “In reality, it looks  tors behind the growth. The formation
                                            like these players will look to come in  of a new national pension company in
         chase home insurance
                                            as partners for insurers and offer the  2021 to develop health insurance is
         from the tech giant                technology to aid products. However,  expected to create substantial business
         The accelerated rise of digitalization  GlobalData found that if these compa-  for PA&H insurers from China’s $1.2
         since the pandemic and increased use  nies did decide to offer end-to-end  trillion pension sector. The PA&H insur-
         of smart home devices means that   household products, a significant pro-  ance industry in China is expected to
         technology companies and outside play-  portion of consumers would view them  grow at a CAGR of 15.8% from 2020-
         ers pose a threat to insurers in the UK  as viable providers, so the threat to  2026.
         by utilizing their skills in digitalization  incumbent insurers is there.”  Australia, with a share of 8.5% of writ-
         and strong brand recognition to at-                                   ten premiums in 2021, was the sec-
         tract customers. Research conducted GlobalData forecasts Asia-        ond-largest market in the region. The
         by GlobalData, a leading data and  Pacific personal accident          PA&H insurance industry in Australia is
         analytics company, suggests that                                      expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.1%
         Google poses the greatest threat to and health insurance to           over 2020-2026 with the lifting of re-
         UK insurers.                       double by 2026                     strictions on international travel, and
         GlobalData’s 2022 UK Insurance Con-  The personal accident and health  awareness of mental health and well-
         sumer Survey found that over a quar-  (PA&H) insurance industry in Asia-Pa-  being.
         ter of UK consumers would be pre-  cific (APAC) is projected to grow from  With every one in five Australians expe-
         pared to purchase home insurance   $203.0bn in 2020 to $421.9bn in 2026,  riencing mental health issues, the de-
         from Google, were it to enter the  in terms of written premiums, fore-  mand for health insurance covering men-
         market. Energy suppliers and Amazon  casts GlobalData, a leading data, and  tal health witnessed growth. Psychology
         also scored well.                  analytics company.                 services and in-patient treatments/ re-
         Ben Carey-Evans, Senior Insurance  According to GlobalData, the PA&H  habilitation are some of the mental
         Analyst at GlobalData, said: “Amazon  insurance in Asia-Pacific is projected to  healthcare services that are available
         will be a particular concern for insur-  grow at a compound annual growth  under private health insurance.
         ers as it has been rumored to be on  rate (CAGR) of 13.0% over 2020-2026,  Taiwan, India, and Japan constituted
         the verge of entering the insurance  backed by increased awareness and  the region’s remaining top five mar-
         industry for many  years now.      growing disposable income.         kets with a combined share of 15.4%
         Facebook, on the other hand, is un-                                   in 2021. PA&H insurance in Taiwan,
         likely to be as successful as a result of  Deblina Mitra, Senior Insurance Ana-  India, and Japan is expected to grow
         negative press stories in recent years.  lyst at GlobalData, comments: “The  at a CAGR of 4.5%, 9.8%, and 3.3%
                                            APAC PA&H  insurance  industry’s
         Consumers are also unlikely to view                                   respectively, over 2020-2026.
                                            growth peaked at 17.8% in 2021,
         WhatsApp as a viable provider of such
                                            driven by economic recovery and in-  Across Asia-Pacific, the integration of
         a serious product.”
                                            creased insurance awareness. The   online healthcare services in insurance
         Google, Amazon and any energy sup-  region’s emerging markets with under-  policies and personalized insurance
         plier, offer the biggest threat to tradi-  developed public healthcare system  propositions using wearable devices
         tional insurers. Google and Amazon  struggled during the pandemic to de-  has gained traction in 2021. T

          18  The Insurance Times, May 2022
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