Page 2 - Marine Insurance IC67 EBOOK
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Marine insurance is the oldest form of insurance    a) Export and import shipment, including sending
originating from England. Merchants from            by Air and Registered post, b) Goods in transit
different parts of London used to assemble in a     by rail and/or Road, Air and post, c) Coastal
coffee house (Lloyd’s Coffee House) which gave      Shipment by steamers and d) Shipment by smaller
birth to Lloyds Underwriters, contracting marine    vessels in Indian waters or by country craft and
insurance cover with the owners of sea-going        Inland vessels of different types.
vessels and merchants. Lloyd’s is now the
biggest international general insurance             Hull insurance means the insurance of the
underwriter in the world. Shipowners and            Hulls, Machinery, Materials and other ancillary
merchants are not legally bound to insure their     interests of ocean going vessels of all types and
property against loss or damage, nor are they       smaller Vessels, such as fishing vessels/
bound to insure against their liabilities to third  trawlers, dredgers, tugs, salvage vessels,
parties but the modern method of financing,         launches, ferry/steamers/boats Yatches and
trade and shipping leave them with little or no     other pleasure crafts, dumb of self propelled
choice whatsoever. The capital exposed to loss      barges, lighter crafts, iron cargo boats and other
in modern ships with gigantic properties is such    country crafts.
that few shipping lines could or would, consider
it desirable to carry the involved risks themsel-   Marine insurance policy is a legal document
ves. Moreover, a considerable amount of tonnage     and apart from Marine Insurance Act it is also
is mortgaged to Banks and other financial           governed by the Indian contract act. In
institutions, which obviously require insurance as  International trade it stands as a collateral
co-lateral security. Now a days Marine policies     security by the financial institutions. With its easy
are obligatory in most of the transactions.         negotiability it may pass or change hand from
                                                    one hand to another even when the goods are in
Apart from the salient features of offer and        mid sea.
acceptance, consideration, lawful object and
legal capacity of the insured, insurable interest   Again, based on the period of cover, marine
in Marine Insurance may not exist at the time       policies are divided into two groups viz, Time
of taking the cover but must exist at the time      Policy and Voyage policy. In a time policy the
of loss. Marine Insurance can be broadly divided    cover is for a fixed time i.e. say 12 months but
into two categories.                                in Voyage policy the cover is for the entire
1) Cargo Insurance.                                 Voyage. Time policies are generally issued in the
                                                    form of open policy which covers each and every
2) Hull Insurance.                                  despatch of goods made by the insured during
                                                    the term of the policy. The final premium and
Marine Cargo Insurance means insurance of

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