Page 5 - Marine Insurance IC67 EBOOK
P. 5

The Insurance Times

commencement of the transit is intended to be        of goods in transit. The nature of packing is very
covered under inland transit (Rail/Road -            important while considering the risk of breakage.
I.T.C.A.B.C.) it should be mentioned specifically
on the face of the policy by charging additional     (3) Country Damage :
premium if required. Unloading from vehicle/wagon    The risk refers to damage arising from weather
is automatically covered under inland transit        conditions and exposure-during inland transit prior
clause (Rail/Road - I.T.C.A.B.C.)                    to shipment and/or whilst awaiting shipment. The
                                                     risk is particularly covered for cotton shipments.
Wider Covers & Extension of Covers :
                                                     Duration :
For wider cover with Basic cover plus TPND Fresh
& rain water damage, Hooks, nails, oil, mud,         Insurance attaches from the time the goods leave
acids, bursting of bagged cargo including bursting   the premises for the commencement of transit
& tearing of bags and extension of cover beyond      and continuous during the ordinary course of
the period of 7 days not exceeding 8 weeks under     transit, including customary transhipment, if any.
transit clause, extra premium should be charged,     (1) Until delivery to final warehouse at
However, the office incharge of RO/DO/Branch or
the officer nominated by the incharge will have the       destination, named in the policy.
discretionary power depending on merits of each      (2) In respect of transits by rail only or by rail and
case to suitably reduce or increase the rate taking
into account the nature of commodity, packing,            road, until expiry of 7 days after arrival of
mode of transport, claim experience, competitive          railway wagon at final destination station or in
market and such other underwriting consideration.         respect of transits by road only, until expiry of
                                                          7 days after arrival of vehicle at the destination
                                                          town whichever shall first occur.

All Risk Cover:                                      Note: For covering goods sent through courier
                                                     following conditions to be fulfilled.
This is an all embracing term and includes all the   1. Courier should have professional legal liability
extraneous risks mentioned above and also
physical loss or damage due to any other risk             (public liability) policy.
plus leakage, breakage, country damage.              2. The cargo owner should not make any

(1) Leakage :                                             contract with courier restricting/reducing/
The risk of leakage depends, largely on the               limiting their liability.
condition of the containers. In new, sound steel     3. Carrier Numbered Receipt to be issued giving
drums, the risk of leakage is comparatively less.         full details like L.R.
In wooden barrels, however, there is always a        4. Despatch by Courier/Owner's vehicle - Co's
certain amount of leakage and in such cases a             Liability 75%
trade allowance for customary wastage is usual
for which insurer is not liable. The cover against   Additional Risk :
leakage is usually granted subject to an
"Excess"; that is leakage claims are paid only in    (1) War & SRCC Cover :
excess of a specified percentage of the value of     War & Civil War Institute Strike Clause cover loss
the consignment. On liquids the cover is granted     or damage caused by strikes, lock out, workman
against "Leakage and/or breakage" is usually in      or person taking part in labour disturbance or Riot
excess of a certain percentage.                      & Civil commotion.

(2) Breakage :                                       The insured can cover War & SRCC risk on
Breakage is generally caused by rough handling       Payment of additional premiums are as under.
                                                     SRCC @ Rs. 0.0225% (inland)
                                                     War & SRCC @ Rs. 0.05% (Export/import) as
                                                     per recent guideline.

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