Page 9 - Marine Insurance IC67 EBOOK
P. 9

The Insurance Times

      for storage other than in the ordinary course           port or place, or unless otherwise specially
      of transit or                                           agreed, until the expiry of 60 days after arrival
                                                              of the goods hereby insured at such port or
      for allocation or distribution.                         place, whichever shall first occur.

                                or                            or

      on the expiry of 60 days after completion of      2. If the goods are forwarded within the said
      discharge overside of the goods hereby                  period of 60 days (or any agreed extension
      insured from the overseas vessel at the final           thereof) to the destination named herein or to
      port of discharge, whichever shall first occur.         any other destination, until terminated in
                                                              accordance with the provisions of Clause 8
2. If, after discharge overside from the overseas             above.
      vessel at the final port of discharge, but prior
      to termination of this insurance, the goods       10. Change Of Voyage Clause :
      are to be forwarded to a destination other
      than that to which they are insured               Where, after attachment of this insurance, the
      hereunder, this insurance, whilst remaining       destination is changed by the Assured, held
      subject to termination as provided for above,     covered at a premium and on conditions to be
      shall not extend beyond the commencement          arranged subject to prompt notice being given to
      of transit to such other destination.             the Underwriters.

3. This insurance shall remain in force (subject        11. Claims :
      to termination as provided for above and to
      the provisions of Clause 9 below) during delay    1. In order to recover under this insurance, the
      beyond the control of the Assured, any                  Assured must have an insurable interest in
      deviation, forced discharge, reshipment or              the subject-matter insured at the time of the
      transhipment and during any variation of the            loss.
      adventure arising from the exercise of a liberty
      granted to shipowners or charterers under the     2. Subject to 11.1 above, the Assured shall
      contract of affreightment.                              be entitled to recover for insured loss
                                                              occurring during the period covered by this
9. Termination Of Contract Of Carriage                        insurance, notwithstanding that the loss
     Clause :                                                 occurred before the contract of insurance
                                                              was concluded , unless the Assured were
If owing to circumstance beyond the control of the            aware of the loss and Underwriters were
assured either the contract of carriage is                    not.
terminated at a port or place other than the
destination named therein or the transit is             12. Forwarding Charges Clause :
otherwise terminated before delivery of the goods
as provided for in Clause 7 above, then this            Where, as a result of the operation of a risk
insurance shall also terminate unless prompt            covered by this insurance, the insured transit is
notice is given to the Underwriters and                 terminated at a port or place other than that to
continuation of cover is requested when the             which the subject-matter is covered under this
insurance shall remain in force, subject to an          insurance, the Underwriters will reimburse the
additional premium if required by the Underwriters,     Assured for any extra charges properly and
either.                                                 reasonably incurred in unloading storing and
1. until the goods are sold and delivered at such       forwarding the subject-matter to the destination to
                                                        which it is insured hereunder.

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