Page 12 - Marine Insurance IC67 EBOOK
P. 12
OPEN POLICY Policy has been in operation not exceeding 60%.
Where the average loss ratio exceeds 60% the
When insured have frequent large number of specially reduced rates shall cease to continue
despatches, or incoming materials despatches, it and the rating shall be subject to the "minimum
becomes inconvenient to go for separate individual rates" stated above.
policies for each despatches. For such clients
marine open policy is very convenient document. Discount :
It is customary to issue an open policy for
insurance of goods despatched within the country Suitable discounts may be granted at the
by Rail/Road/Air Fright Registered Post. discretion of the underwriting offices in respect of
Open Policies under which the average claim ratio
PERIOD : 1 YEAR for the preceding three years, excluding the
Sum Insured : expiring Policy Year or for lesser period for which
the Policy has been in operation does not exceed
Sum insured should not be less than value of 60% (Sixty per cent). However, the net discount
despatches anticipated in one month estimated rates shall not be less than 60% of the minimum
despatches, Full premium of this sum insured will rates" given in the annexed schedule.
be paid in advance & when sum insured is nearly
exhausted same can be insured further by SPECIAL DECLARATION
additional premium. POLICY
Declaration : Applicability :
Each & every despatch coming under scope of Applicable to in land Transit governed by Inland
open policy send to Co. daily, weekly, as per Transit Rail/Road Guidelines. Further this was
prescribed form. extended to cover inland, water Transits. This will
be as per the rule, regulations, terms, conditions
Limit Per Consignment : and rates of the respective tariffs. Thus the rate
for a Land cum water Transit will be the total of
Insured should be very careful in selecting limit as the rates applicable for the Two transits as per
per consignment over policy, but in any case value respective tariffs.
of consignment exceeds the limit, insured should
promptly inform.. Minimum Sum Insured : 2 Crores
Minimum premium : Rs. 5,000/-
Basis of Valuation : (Five thousald only)
Invoice cost of goods, tax, freight & insurance Turnover :
premium plus 10% incidental charges. At the end
of policy year premium undeclared balance of sum The turnover means total Insured value of the
insured will be refunded to the insured. goods in Transit which includes all incoming and
outgoing consignments, comprising capital goods,
Loading : raw materials store, finished and semi finished
products, transit including inter depot transfers.
The existing rates of Open Policies though lower
than the 'minimum rates' shall be allowed to Sum Insured :
continue, subject to the average claims ratio for
the preceding three years, excluding the expiring Sum Insured shall be on the basis of previous
Policy Year of for lesser period for which the year's annual turnover. In case of fresh proposals
the Sum Insured shall represent a fair estimate of
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