Page 14 - Marine Insurance IC67 EBOOK
P. 14

charged and then the SDP discount should be                  policy the same cannot be converted into a
granted.                                                     Special Declaration Policy retrospectively.

Discount in premium rate where loss ratio is less      (iii) Turnover discount will be granted on expiry of
than 60%.                                                    the policy retrospectively provided claim ratio
                                                             does not exceed 60%.

If the claim ratio for the three years excluding                     Open Cover
immediately preceding year is less than 60% then
the following discount is applied on the total rate.   For clients engaged in substantial international
                                                       trade import/export goods and having substantial
LOSS RATIO              DISCOUNT ON                    turnover, an Open Cover may be issued.
                         TOTAL RATE
                                                       An Open Cover is not an enforceable contract of
Less than 60% upto 40%  20%                            Marine insurance. It is an agreement binding in
                                                       honour, under which the insurer will accept
Less than 40% upto 20%  30%                            declarations and issue stamped specific policies
Less than 20%           50%                            or certificates of insurance against each
The turnover discount has to be applied first and
thereafter discount for favourable claim experience    An open cover is issued for a 12 months period
as given above has to be applied.                      and premium paid in advance and issue a fresh
                                                       policy. As and when insured declaration, hence
Further, it is clarified that NO DISCOUNT shall be     office may issue a certificate against each
given where experience available is for less than      declaration.
3 years immediately preceding the expiring year.
The total discount should not exceed 60% of the        The advantages of an Open Cover are that (i) the
applicable rate either basic rate or all risk rate as  agreement is continuous as provided for in its
per cover granted.                                     terms, so that there is not risk of particular
                                                       shipments remaining uninsured through oversight,
Rules for sanction of turnover discount:               inadvertant omission delay in making declaration,
                                                       (ii) premium are generally fixed and agreed in
Turnover discount can be allowed after expiry of       advance as far as possible and may therefore be
the Policies retrospectively provided the total        included accurately in costing; and (iii) in absence
turnover under the Policy exceeds Two Crores and       of the sum insured there is no possibility of its
the claims ratio does not exceed 70%.                  getting exhausted by declarations as in the case
                                                       of open policy.
Special Declaration Policy can be issued to an
absolutely new risk during its very first policy       Limits per sending for each type of conveyance
subject to                                             should be specified keeping in mind the insured's
(i) The Total sum insured at the inception of          requirements, underwriting limits and company's
                                                       reinsurance limits.
      policy without taking into account any
      anticipated one time increase be Two crores      The basis of valuation is C.I.F. value plus ten
      or more.                                         percent. In the event of loss prior to declarations

(ii) The insured will have to take a Special
      Declaration policy at the very outset and not
      an Open Policy. If the insured takes an open

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