Page 11 - Marine Insurance IC67 EBOOK
P. 11

The Insurance Times

INSTITUTE CARGO CLAUSES (A), (B) and (C)                      goods shipped by an aircraft and should not
Short Title                                                   be used to insure postal shipment by air.
1. Institute Cargo (C) ICC (C)
2. Institute Cargo Clauses (B) ICC(B)                         The only institute Clause available for postal
3. Institute Cargo Clauses (A) ICC (A)                        shipments is the Institute War Clauses
                                                              (sendings by post).
      ICC(C) and ICC(B) are named perils clauses,
      whereas ICC(A) is an unnamed perils clause.             Goods shipped by a classed vessel can be
      Subject to the risks included and excluded              insured, depending upon the nature of cover
      by the clauses, the following types of losses           required under any of the following three sets
      are recoverable under all three sets of                 of clauses.
(a) Particular Average i.e., partial loss of the        NOTE :
      subject matter insured proximately caused by
      an insured peril.                                 1. Rate provided in the schedule are for cover
                                                              from warehouse to warehouse as per ICC,
(b) General Average Sacrifice.                                however if covers desired to be terminated on
                                                              discharged & delivery at destination port,
(c) Actual Total Loss                                         town, a discount of 25% on the rates in
                                                              schedule can be allowed.
(d) Construcitve Total Loss
(e) Expenses incurred by the assured.                   2. When despatches are by Air, the rate will be
                                                              75% of the rererence rate prescribed in the
      (i) Extra charges or particular charges which           schedule.
          may include survey fees and
          reconditioning costs in respect of a partial  3. Major commodities tariff shall be rated strictly
          loss claim.                                         as provided those in, however it is clarified
                                                              that rate for all others commodities listed in
      (ii) Sue and Labour charges.                            this section could be taken as a reference
                                                              rate and office incharge of RO/DO/Branch or
(f) General Average and salvage contributions                 office nominated by the incharge would have
                                                              discretion to their acceptance limit depending
(g) Collision Liability                                       on merit of each case to suitably reduce or
                                                              increase this rates taking in to account the
The cargo clauses are available in two standard               nature of commodity, packing, mode of
categories :-                                                 transport, claim experience,competitive
1. (a) Institute Cargo Clauses (A), (B) and (C)               market etc.

      (b) Institute War Clauses (Cargo)                 4. Vessels extra above 15 years age as per GIC/
                                                              HO guideline.
      (c) Institute Strikes Clauses (Cargo)
                                                        5. Extra premium for non classification and
      These clauses are suitable for insurance of             under tonnage if any
      goods shipped by an ocean going (classed)
      vessel.                                           6. Vessels should be GIC approved, if not extra
                                                              premium @ 1%.
2. (a) Institute Cargo (Air) (Excluding sendings
      by post)                                          7. 25% discount may be given from above rates
                                                              if sent by Air.
      (b) Institute War Clauses (Air Cargo)
                                                        8. War & Strike rate charged additionally for
      (c) Institute Strikes Clauses (Air Cargo)               export-import.

      These clause are suitable for insurance of

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