Page 35 - Marine Insurance IC67 EBOOK
P. 35

The Insurance Times

     months and the process will be continued as             should be secured properly and adequate
     in (i) (a) and (b) above.                               watch and ward maintained throughout the
(iii) If Premium for the following quarter(s) is not         period it remains therein."
     received before expiry of the Policy/extention
     endorsement period, risk under policy would        17. Warranty Regarding Registration and
     lapse and new policy will be issued for three      Licensing of Fishing Vessels/Trawlers :
     months charging 40% of the Annual Premium          All Policies issued in respect of Fishing Vessels/
     once again.                                        Trawlers must incorporate the following Warranty :

(2) H & M Sum Insured over Rs. 20 Lakhs :               "Warranted vessel to comply with local laws and
For fishing vessels with H & M Sum Insured              regulation with regard to registration and licensing."
exceeding Rs. 20 lakhs, the Premium Instalment
Clause vide Annexure 'D' shall be used.                 18. Increase/decrease-in-value
                                                        Where there is an Increase/Decrease-in-Value in
N.B. :                                                  respect of Vessels rated under this Tariff, the
a. Short period cover for a period more than 3          Vessel shall be rated afresh as per the norms
                                                        applicable for Vessels with such Sums Insured. If
     months but less than 12 months may be              the value of vessel falling beyond the purview of
     granted by charging 1/8th of the Annual Rate       this Tariff is so decreased that the H & M Sum
     per month or part thereof. No instalment facility  Insured comes down to Rs. 100 lakhs or below,
     shall be granted for short period covers.          the Vessel shall be rated as per this Tariff.
b. Where the Insured is prepared to pay the full
     Annual Premium at the inception of the risk,       19. Rating of New Attachments :
     an Annual Policy can be issued.                    New Attachments to a fleet shall not attract any
c. If a Fishing Vessel is sold during the currency      loading on account of fleet's rating level being
     of the policy, the number of days for which        increased by past penalties.
     pro-rate refund is to be given, shall be
     calculated according to the specific policy        In the year of attachment of a new Vessel(s), if a
     period for which the vessel was insured i.e. 3     penalty on the fleet is warranted or has been
     months or 6 months, as the case may be.            imposed, such Vessel(s) shall attract only such
                                                        penalty which is warranted or has been imposed
16. Adverse weather warranty :                          for the year of attachment. However, if for good
All Policies shall contain the following Warranty :     past claims experience, the Rating Level of the
                                                        fleet is lower than the fleet's original Rating Level,
1) Warranted Vessel when not employed, shall            the new attachment(s) will get the benefit of such
     be safely anchored or moored or secured.           reduced Rating Level.

2) Warranted Vessel shall not be employed               20. Initial Rating :
     during adverse weather conditions notified by      Initial Rating in respect of Fishing Vessels/
     the concerned Port Authorities and/or              Trawlers valued upto Rs. 100 lakhs shall be done
     Directorate of Fisheries.                          as per this Tariff and no reference shall be made
                                                        to the Committee.
3) (a) Warrated during adverse weather, Vessel
     shall remain in safe waters properly moored,       Fishing Vessels/Trawlers valued over 100 lakhs
     and (b) If already at sea, shall return forthwith  shall, however, be referred to the Committee for
     as soon as they become aware of the adverse        Initial Rating.
     weather warning; and (c) Vessel shall be
     manned adequately at all times except when
     in harbour, seltered/safe waters when it

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