Page 38 - Marine Insurance IC67 EBOOK
P. 38

irrespective of the sum insured have                                 mechanism to ensure by additional premium
     necessarily to be referred to HO for                                 across the portfolio is not feasible.
n Complete papers namely, duly completed                                  Hence it has become necessary to avoid
     proposal form, relevant documents including                          exposure to higher risks.
     valuation report, suggestive rate along with                         ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     detailed working etc have to be forwarded to
     HO well in advance with specific                                         Sanctions clause to be incorporated in
     recommendations of the RO.                                                                marine policies.
------------------------------------------------------------------------                                              Date: 14.3.2012

  Guidelines for acceptance of Bulk Cargo                                 As you may be aware there are certain countries
     with respect to Age and classification                               like Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North Korea,
                 clause of the vessel.                                    Northern Sri Lanka, Somalia, Chechnya, Bosnia,
                                           Date: 24.01.2012               Syria and Libya which are prohibited/restricted
                                                                          under United Nations resolutions or the trade or
A. Background                                                             economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the
It is observed of late that major cargo losses are                        European Union, United Kingdom or the United
related to vessels having the following adverse                           States of America.
underwriting factors:
a. Vessels being more than 25 years of age                                Oflate, the R/I driven cargo policies in cases of
b. Vessels without valid class                                            import/export from/ to such countries are
c. Bulk carrier                                                           accepted by the Re-insurers subject to "
                                                                          Sanctions Clause" which specifies any cargo to /
The use of Institute Classification Clause under                          from such places/countries are prohibited/
Marine policies, which reflects universal                                 restricted. Even in case of policies issued by the
perception and practice of Insurers to avoid                              underwriting offices directly, where the SI falls
coverage on normal terms on the basis of age,                             within their acceptance limits and if any claim is
class or nature of carrier. However the "held                             reported under such transits, our company will
covered" stipulation in the classification clause                         not be in a position to recover the loss from the
could still expose insurer to bear such higher                            Treaty re-insurers. This will ultimately lead to a
risks than intended and we may be unable to                               situation where such liability may fall to our
avoid liability notwithstanding that vessel fails to                      Company's Additional Net account.
conform to the requirements of the Classification
clause.                                                                   Therefore, the Sanctions clause will apply to all
                                                                          types of Marine policies issued and not
Though "held covered" stipulation in the Institute                        exclusively for reinsurance driven policies.
classification clause contemplates higher rate,
insurer rarely receives the same, although it may                         Further, due to the new sanctions on Iran's
be chargeable in several cases. There is no proper                        financial sector by US, the claim settlements on
mechanism to ensure receipt of any higher                                 Marine transit policies to such countries, have
premium.                                                                  become complex.

Consequently, Insurer is exposed to bad risks In view of this, it has been decided that in all
without receipt of proper premium and a viable marine Transit policies/project policies/MCE

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