Page 58 - Marine Insurance IC67 EBOOK
P. 58

Aircraft product means completed aircraft, airship,   Extension /Add ons
missile, helicopters, launch vehicles, gliders        Nil
Coverage A                                            Aircraft Hull, Aviation Hull War risk and allied risk
l Any liability for death, bodily injury/sickness
                                                      3. Underwriting Guidelines
     of an employee of insured                        All proposals should be referred to HO for approval
                                                      of rates and terms.
l Loss of use of any aircraft which has not been
     destroyed except with respect to an aircraft     Determination of sum insured/values to be
     which has made an emergency landing.             insured
                                                      l Limits of indemnity to be selected by
l Legal liability arising from any restriction on
     or withdrawal from the use of aircraft product        proposer for any "one occurrence" and "any
     not involved in an occurrence.                        one period" .

Coverage B                                            l Grounding liability limited to 20% of the above
l Loss of use of aircraft during maintenance               limits
overall or alterations while being used for purpose
other than relating to ground.                        Rating/Pricing
                                                      All proposals should be referred to HO for approval
                                                      of rates and terms.

Exclusion                                             Excess/Deductibles
l Noise and pollution and other perils                Suitable excess to be imposed
l War, hijacking, strike, riot, civil commotion,
                                                      4. Documents for Claims Settlement
     hostile detonation of any weapon of war,         l Claim form
     employing atomic and nuclear fission.            l Police Report, DGCA Report
                                                      l Death Certificate ,Post Mortem Report, Death
Notice of occurrence or grounding - When an                Certificate
occurrence or grounding takes place, written          l Court award
notice shall be given by or on behalf of the insured  l Legal opinion
to the policy issuing office.

PH: 033 4007 8428 / 2218 4184, Email: 273
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