P. 59


                 disbursement from April 1, 2023 shall be reckoned  Streamlining  of  Internal  Compliance
                 for this purpose.
                                                              monitoring function – leveraging use of
          4. All other provisions of the aforesaid circulars shall re-
             main unchanged.                                  technology
                                                                                                 January 31, 2024
          Guidelines on import of gold by Tariff
          Rate Quota (TRQ) holders under the In-              1. RBI had recently carried out an assessment in select
                                                                 Supervised Entities (SEs) of the prevailing system in
          dia-UAE CEPA as notified by–The Interna-               place for internal monitoring of compliance with regu-
          tional Financial Services Centres Author-              latory instructions and the extent of usage of techno-
                                                                 logical solutions to support this function. It is seen that
          ity (IFSCA)                                            SEs have adopted varying levels of automation to sup-
                                             January 31, 2024    port this function, ranging from use of macro-enabled
                                                                 spreadsheets to workflow-based software solutions. The
          1. Attention of Authorised Dealer Category – I (AD Cat-  review brought out that automation of the compliance
             egory – I) banks is invited to A.P. (DIR Series) Circular  monitoring process in SEs remains a work in progress
             No.04 dated May 25, 2022, in terms of which AD Cat-  with various aspects of this function being carried out
             egory-I banks have been permitted to remit advance  with significant manual intervention. There is, thus, a
             payment on behalf of Qualified Jewellers as notified by  need to implement comprehensive, integrated, enter-
             International Financial Services Centres  Authority  prise-wide and workflow-based solutions/ tools to en-
             (IFSCA) for eleven days for import of gold through In-  hance the effectiveness of this function.
             dia International Bullion Exchange IFSC Ltd (IIBX).
                                                              2. Such a solution/ tool should, among other things, pro-
          2. Further, attention of AD Category-I banks is invited to  vide for effective communication and collaboration
             Notification No.44/2023 dated November 20, 2023 is-  among all the stakeholders (by bringing business, com-
             sued by DGFT, in terms of which, valid Tariff Rate Quota  pliance and IT teams, Senior Management, etc. on one
             (TRQ) holders under the India-United Arab Emirates  platform); have processes for identifying, assessing,
             (UAE) Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement  monitoring and managing compliance requirements;
             (CEPA) as notified by the IFSCA have been permitted to  escalate issues of non-compliance, if any; require re-
             import gold under specific ITC(HS) codes through IIBX  cording approval of competent authority for devia-
             against the Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ).                tions/ delay in compliance submission; and have a uni-
          3. Accordingly, it has been decided that subject to the di-  fied dashboard view to Senior Management on com-
             rections as mentioned in A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.04  pliance position of the Regulated Entity (RE) as a whole.
             dated May 25, 2022, AD Category-I banks may allow   The RE, based on the size and complexity of its opera-
             valid TRQ holders under the India-UAE CEPA to remit  tions, may decide on the tools/ mechanism it would
             advance payment for eleven days for import of gold  prefer to deploy for monitoring of compliance and de-
             through IIBX against the TRQ.                       velopment of the unified dashboard.

          4. AD Category-I banks may bring the contents of this cir-  3. Accordingly, REs are advised to carry out a comprehen-
             cular to the notice of their constituents and customers  sive review of the existing internal compliance track-
             concerned.                                          ing and monitoring processes and institute necessary
                                                                 changes to existing systems or implement new systems
          5. The directions contained in this Circular have been is-
                                                                 latest by June 30, 2024.
             sued under Section 10(4) and Section 11(1) of the For-
             eign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), 1999 (42 of  4. An appropriate monitoring mechanism may also be put
             1999) and are without prejudice to permissions/approv-  in place to review the progress of its implementation.
             als, if any, required under any other law.       5. Please acknowledge receipt.

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