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             Indian Leadership Summit & Awards

              2024: A Resounding Success in Pune

         T        he Indian Leadership Summit & Awards 2024,  ensuring meticulous execution and unwavering dedication.
                  hosted  by  The  Business  Fame,  marked  a
                                                              In his opening remarks, Harshal Gawale articulated, "The
                                                              inception of The Business Fame magazine was driven by a
                  triumphant culmination in Pune on February 10th,
                  2024. The event, held at the esteemed Four
                                                              entrepreneurs to showcase their achievements, services,
          Points by Sheraton Hotel, Pune, gathered  luminaries,  vision  to  provide  a  platform  for  businesses  and
          professionals, and industry stalwarts for a day of profound  and  future  endeavors.  The  overwhelming  trust  and
          discussions, knowledge exchange, and commendation of  appreciation from our clients propelled us to elevate our
          exceptional accomplishments.                        efforts by organizing the Indian Leadership Summit &
                                                              Awards. It's a privilege to facilitate this platform for the
          Themed "Empowering Visions, Inspiring Leaders: Shaping  business community to celebrate success and exchange
          India's Future," the summit boasted a stellar lineup of  knowledge."
          speakers who delved into the intricacies of contemporary
          business landscapes. Notable keynote speaker Dr. Vishal  Expressing gratitude, Mr. Ajay Bairagi remarked, "The
          Gandhi, alongside esteemed panellists from various sectors,  enthusiasm  for  innovation  and  commitment  that
          provided invaluable insights into leadership, innovation, and  underpinned the Indian Leadership Summit & Awards 2024
          the trajectory of India's industries.               is profoundly inspiring. Witnessing leaders, visionaries, and
                                                              trailblazers converge to steer the nation towards a brighter
          Mr. Ajay Bairagi, Director & Founder, and Harshal Gawale,  future is truly uplifting. This summit epitomizes our steadfast
          Founder  &  Head  of  Events,  played  pivotal  roles  in  commitment to fostering leadership, nurturing excellence,
          orchestrating the Indian Leadership Summit & Awards 2024,  and  driving  positive  change.  We  extend  heartfelt
                                                                                appreciation  to  everyone  who
                                                                                contributed to its success and eagerly
                                                                                anticipate continuing this journey of
                                                                                growth and transformation together."

                                                                                The summit featured 3

                                                                                Panels  with  a  diverse
                                                                                array of speakers

                                                                                Panel 1 : Shaping the Future:
                                                                                Trends  and  Insights  for
                                                                                Moderator: Nitin Athavle, General
                                                                                Manager, Rachana Lifestyle
                                       ILSA Winner

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