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                  Green Investments and Mutual


         G         reen Investment has become a very popular term  Corporate Enterprises can invest in Green Bonds. They can

                   nowadays specially with respect to Mutual Fund
                                                              take Green Loans also from Financial Institutions.
                   and Alternative Investment Fund. Let us examine
                   what Green Investment is in reality, how the
                                                              investments in Green Sectors. Mutual Funds offer one such
          concept has originated, the reasons of its popularity in  Let us concentrate solely on Individual Investors and their
          Personal Finance Sector and above all, how it is influencing  opportunity to individual investors. SEBI Norm is that 65%
          the financial decisions of an individual investor.  of these funds have to be invested in listed shares of
                                                              companies for which submission of Business Responsibility
          We are keeping discussion on Alternative Investment Fund  and Sustainability Report to SEBI is essential. These Mutual
          out of purview because it pertains to Real Estate sector,  Funds invest in companies that meet Environmental, Social
          Personal Equity, Venture Capital etc and dominated by  and Corporate Governance Standards and adopt ethical
          Corporate Finance.                                  practices to earn profit. Common investors are recognising
                                                              gradually the importance of aligning with investment with
          Green Investment is defined as Investment of Funds in
          Sustainable, Non-pollutant Industries. Example of such  ethics and principles.
          Industries are Renewable Energy sector, such as Wind Power  SEBI has mandated asset management companies to ensure
          and Solar Energy, Automobile Industries manufacturing
                                                              that at least 80% of the total asset under management of
          Electric Vehicles, Manufacturing of lithium batteries. Water
          and Forest Conservation Projects are other Green    ESG schemes are invested in equity and equity related
          Investments.                                        instruments of any particular theme ( health care, clean
                                                              water etc themes) while the remaining investment part
          Green Funds are called ESG Funds also. The whole World is  can't be in contrast to that strategy.
          drifting towards avoidance of ESG Risks. Concept of ESG has
          three pillars - Environment, Social and Governance.  Top Five Market Leaders in terms of AUM and other factors
          Objectives of ESG measures are - (1)Making our Planet a safe  in the field of Green Investments Mutual Funds are-
          place to live without pollution in risk free environment and  A. SBI MAGNUM EQUITY ESG FUND ( GROWTH):
          (2) Maximisation of Wealth of all Stakeholders in every  It is the leading ESG MF in the market with almost 50 %
          Enterprises. Sustainable Growth and Development is another  of market share in AUM and already 5 years old find. It
          dimension of Green Investments.                        has generated12.3% return in past one year. There is no
                                                                 lock in period. Minimum SIP amount of the fund is Rs1000.
                        About the author                      B. Kotak ESG Opportunity Fund ( Growth):
                                                                 This MF investment has a current AUM of Rs1100 CR
                          Arup Dasgupta                          and no lock in period. Investors can invest Rs1000
                          Is a veteran of insurance industry for  through SIP.
                          last 33 years. He was Chief Executive
                          Officer of LIC Bangladesh. He was also  C. AXIS ESG EQUITY FUND( GROWTH):
                          Regional Manager of Eastern India both  Since inception , this fund has given 14.2% return. It's
                          for marketing and Housing Finance of   AUM is Rs1496cr.
                          LIC. He is fellow member of Insurance
                          Institute of India and Institute of Cost  ICICI PRUDENTIAL ESG FUND( GROWTH):
                          and Management Accountants of India.   It has AUM Rs 1496 CR.

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