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         2. Development of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture      Traceability, establishing a robust Fisheries management
                                                                 framework and
         3. Development of marine fisheries, infrastructure, and
             post-harvest operations                             Fishers' welfare

         4. Strengthening the Fisheries Sector's Database and
             Geographical Information System                  Aim & Objectives of the scheme

         5. Institutional Arrangement for the Fisheries Sector  1. Harnessing of Fisheries potential in a sustainable,
                                                                 responsible, inclusive and equitable manner
         6. Monitoring, Control, and Surveillance (MCS) and other
                                                              2. Enhancing of Fish production and productivity through
             need-based interventions
                                                                 expansion, intensification, diversification and productive
         7. Fishermen's National Welfare Scheme
                                                                 utilization of land and water
                                                              3. Modernizing and strengthening of value chain - post-
         Keeping in view the immense potential for development of
                                                                 harvest management and quality improvement
         fisheries sector Government of India attached importance
         in Union Budget 2019-20 to focus for the development of  4. Doubling fishers and fish farmers' incomes & generation
         Fisheries sector.                                       of employment
                                                              5. Enhancing contribution to agriculture GVA and exports
         The Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal
                                                              6. Social, Physical & Economic security for fishers and fish
         Husbandry  and  Dairying,  Government  of  India  is
         implementing Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana
                                                              7. Robust  fisheries  management  and  regulatory
         (PMMSY), a scheme to bring Blue Revolution in India through
         sustainable growth and reasonable development of Fisheries
         sector with sizeable investment for holistic development of
                                                              Pradhan  Mantri  Matsya  Sampada  Yojana  (PMMSY)  is
         Fisheries sector.
                                                              covered with two separate components i.e., Central sector
                                                              scheme and Centrally Sponsored Scheme
         It  is  proposed  to  implement  Pradhan  Mantri  Matsya
         Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) in all the States and Union
                                                              1. Central Sector Scheme
         Territories for a period of 5 years from the financial year
         2020-21 to financial year 2024-25.                      Entire project / unit cost under Central Sector scheme
                                                                 will be borne by the Central Government. Individual or
                                                                 Group activities are undertaken by the sponsoring
         Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana's main aim is to
                                                                 agencies of Central Government. The assistance will be
         modernize  and  strengthen  the  value  chain,  enhance
                                                                 up to 40% of the unit cost in case of general category
         traceability and establish a robust fisheries management
                                                                 and 60% in case of SC / ST / Women beneficiaries.
         framework  while  simultaneously  ensuring  the  socio-
         economic welfare of Fishers & Fish farmers.
                                                              2. Centrally Sponsored Scheme

         Pradhan  Mantri  Matsya  Sampada  Yojana  (PMMSY)  is   Non-beneficiary orientated activities under Centrally
         designed to address the following critical gaps in Fisheries  sponsored scheme is to be implemented by States of
                                                                 Union Territories. The entire unit cost is to be shared
                                                                 between Central Government and State Government
             Fish production
                                                                 as under
             Productivity, Quality & Technology
                                                                     North Eastern & Himalayan States: 90% Central and
             Post-harvest infrastructure and management              10% State share

             Marketing                                               All Other States: 60% Central and 40% State share
             Modernisation and strengthening of value chain          Union Territories: 100% Central share

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