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         About 50% of respondents see India amongst the top three  the USA at 9%, (US$ 61.26 billion), Netherlands at 7%, (US$
         economies or leading manufacturing destinations of the  45.28 billion) and Japan at 6%, (US$ 39.94 billion).The state
         world by 2025. The respondents have pinned down market  that received the highest FDI during April 2000-June 2023 was
         potential, skilled workforce, and political stability as the top  Maharashtra  (US$ 58.43 billion) at  29%,  followed by
         three reasons to make India their favored destination.  Karnataka (US$ 45.92 billion) at 23%, Gujarat (US$ 32.63
                                                              billion) (16%), Delhi (US$ 27.06 billion) (14%), and Tamil Nadu
         It seems highly probable that we will see a surge in consumer  (US$ 9.13 billion) (5%).In 2022 India received 811 Industrial
         spending, with a high rate of the population falling under age  Investment Proposals which were valued at Rs. 352,697 crore
         group between 15-59 years and being considered as a second  (US$ 42.78 billion). Cumulatively, the total amount of Industrial
         largest populated country. A point to consider is that youth and  investment proposals for 2022 increased to US$ 298 billion
         elite consumers had an inclination towards brands and multi-  (Rs. 23.6 lakh crore) as compared to US$ 169.5 billion (Rs.
         brand supermarkets, whereas older generation and non-  13.8 lakh core) in the previous year.
         taxpayers preferred buying from convenience stores, discount
         stores. Economic betterment is considered to be due to the  Government Initiatives
         liberalization of the FDI policies and rigid licensing systems. The  In recent years, India has become an attractive destination
         retail sector is backbone of Indian economy and one of the  for FDI because of favorable government policies. India has
         fastest growing sectors.
                                                              developed various schemes and policies that have helped
                                                              boost India's FDI. These schemes have prompted India's FDI
         Market size                                          investment, especially in upcoming sectors such as defense
         India has become an attractive destination for FDI in recent  manufacturing, real estate, and research and development.
         years, influenced by various factors which have boosted FDI.  Some of the major government initiatives are:
         India ranked 40th in the World Competitive Index 2023   Due to the Make in India Initiative, FDI equity inflow in
         jumping 3 positions from the 43rd rank in 2021. India was  the manufacturing sector between 2014-2022 has
         also named as the 48th most innovative country among the  increased by 57% over the previous 8 years i.e. 2006-
         top  50  countries,  securing  40th  position  out  of  132  2014.
         economies in the Global Innovation Index 2023. India rose  The Reserve Bank of India has taken a number of
         from 81st position in 2015 to 40th position in 2023. These  actions to increase foreign exchange inflows. These
         factors have boosted FDI investments in India. India's FDI  actions consist of:
         inflows have increased 20 times from 2000-01 to 2023-24.    Exempting  additional  Foreign  Currency  Non-
         According to the Department for Promotion of Industry and
                                                                     Resident  (Bank)  [FCNR(B)]  and  Non-Resident
         Internal Trade (DPIIT), India's cumulative FDI inflow stood  (External) Rupee (NRE) deposits from Cash Reserve
         at US$ 937.58 billion between April 2000- June 2023, mainly
                                                                     Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR).
         due to the government's efforts to improve the ease of
         doing business and relax FDI norms.                         Authorization for banks to accept new FCNR(B) and
                                                                     NRE deposits without regard to current interest
         The total FDI inflow into India from April 2023 to June 2023  rate regulations until the end of October 2022.
         stood at US$ 17.56 billion and FDI equity inflow for the same
         period stood at US$ 10.94 billion. From April 2000-June 2023,
         India's service sector attracted the highest FDI equity inflow
         of 16% amounting to US$ 105.40 billion, followed by the
         computer  software  and  hardware  industry  at  15%,
         amounting to US$ 95.88 billion, trading at 6%, US$ 40.05
         billion, telecommunications at 6%, US$ 39.27 billion and
         automobile industry at 5%, US$ 35.14 billion.

         India also had major FDI inflows during April 2000-June 2023,
         coming from Mauritius at US$ 164.83 billion with a total share
         of 26%, followed by Singapore at 23% (US$ 151.16 billion),

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