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                 Inclusion of all new issuances of 7-year and 14-year  Shakti, single window clearance and GIS-mapped land
                 G-Secs under the Fully Accessible Route (FAR) for  bank is expected to push FDI inflows in 2022.
                 FPls.                                           The government is likely to introduce at least three

                 Exemption  from the short-term  limit for FPls'  policies as part of the Space Activity Bill in 2022. This
                 investments in G-Secs and corporate debt made   bill is expected to clearly define the scope of FDI in the
                 until October 31st, 2022.                       Indian space sector.
                                                                 In September 2021, India and the UK agreed to an
                 Permitting  FPI  in  commercial  paper  and  non-  investment boost to strengthen bilateral ties for an
                 convertible debentures with an original maturity of  'enhanced trade partnership'.
                 up to one year.
                                                                 In September 2021, the Union Cabinet announced that
                 A temporary increase in the limit for external  to boost the telecom sector, it will allow 100% FDI via
                 commercial  borrowings  (ECBs)  under  the      the automatic route, up from the previous 49%.
                 automated route from  US$ 750  million  or  its  In August 2021, the government amended the Foreign
                 equivalent per fiscal year to US$ 1.5 billion.  Exchange Management (non-debt instruments) Rules,

                 Increase in the all-in cost ceiling under the ECB  2019, to allow  a 74% increase in  FDI  limit  in the
                 framework by 100 basis points, subject to the   insurance sector.
                 borrower having an investment grade rating.     Many reforms like National Technical Textiles, Silk
                                                                 Samagra-2  scheme,  Seven  Pradhan  Mantri  Mega
                 Permission  for  AD Cat-I  banks  to  use  foreign
                 currency borrowings made abroad to fund foreign  Integrated Textile Region and Apparel (PM MITRA)
                 currency loans to organizations for a variety of end  Parks, Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for
                 uses other than exports.                        Textiles to promote the production of Man-Made Fibre
                                                                 (MMF) Apparel, MMF Fabrics and Products of Technical
             The Government of India increased FDI in the defense  Textiles,  and  more  initiatives  are  taken  by  the
             sector by liberalizing it to 74% through the automatic  government to enhance export and to promote FDI in
             route and 100% through the government route.        the textile sector.
             The Foreign Investment Facilitation Portal (FIFP) is a
             new online single-point interface of the government for Road Ahead
             investors  to  facilitate  Foreign  Direct  Investment  India has recently become a major global hub for FDIs.
             proposals to evaluate and further authorize them under  According to a survey held in 2020, India was among the
             the Government approval route.                   top three global FDI destinations; about 80% of the global
             The sectoral cap for the pharmaceutical industry has  respondents had plans to invest in India. Furthermore, India
             been lowered, 74% of FDI is permitted in the Brownfield  has provided huge corporate tax cuts and simplified labour
             pharma sector via the automatic method, and 100% is  laws. According to the OECD FDI restrictiveness index, the
             permitted via the approved route.                country has also reduced its restrictions on FDI; overall FDI
                                                              restrictions have reduced from 0.42 in 2003 to 0.21 in 2020
             In the civil aviation sector, 100% FDI is allowed under  (i.e. last 17 years).
             automatic routes in brownfield airport projects.
             For single-brand retail trading, local sourcing norms  India has remained an attractive market for international
             have been relaxed for up to 3 years and 100% FDI is  investors in terms of short- and long-term prospects. India's
             allowed under automatic route.                   low-skill manufacturing is  one of  the most  promising
             The government has amended the Foreign Exchange  industries for FDI. India  has also  developed excellent
             Management Act (FEMA) rules, allowing up to 20% FDI  government efficiency. The developments in government
             in insurance company LIC through the automatic route.  efficiency are primarily due to relatively stable public
                                                              finances (despite COVID-induced challenges) and optimistic
             The government is considering easing scrutiny on  sentiment among Indian business stakeholders concerning
             certain FDIs from countries that share a border with
                                                              the funding and subsidies offered by the government to
                                                              private firms. All of these factors may enable India to attract
             The implementation of measures such as PM Gati   FDI of US$ 120-160 billion yearly by 2025.

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