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          marginalized  and  vulnerable  communities  and  has  about 1.09% to the country's Gross Value Added (GVA) and
          contributed towards socio-economic development.     over 6.724% to the agricultural GVA. Export earnings from
                                                              the Fisheries sector has been recorded as Rs.57,586.48 crore
          Some of the important facts about Fisheries in India are as  during 2021-22. The sector provides livelihood support to
          under:                                              about 25 million people at the primary level and almost
             The sector has reached record fish production of 16.25  twice the number along the value chain and the annual
             MMT in the financial year 2021-22                average growth rate in the fisheries sector has been 7%
             Garnered  4.54  million  dollars  from  export  of  over the last few years. The sector has immense potential
             Ornamental fishes in the financial year 2021-2022.  to double its exports, it is essential that sustained and
                                                              focused attention is given to the fisheries sector through
             So far, 1,548 total fish landing centers were established
                                                              policy and financial support to accelerate its development
             678 cold storages with in which 45 Chilled Storages and  in a sustainable, responsible, inclusive and equitable manner.
             93 Dry Fish Storages and 627 processing plants are
             existing                                         Obstacles for further growth of Fisheries

             India has 7,516 kilometres of coastline          sector
             3,827 fishing villages.                             Despite  rapid  growth  in total  fish  production, an
                                                                 individual fish farmer's average annual production is only
             India's fresh  water  resources  consist  of  1,95,210
                                                                 2 tonnes
             kilometres of rivers and canals, 29 lakh hectares of minor
             and major reservoirs, 24 lakh hectares of ponds and  In India, fishing and selling of critically endangered fish
             lakes, and about 8 lakh hectares of flood plain wetlands  species are banned.
             and water bodies.                                   Annual fishing (trawling) ban is done during the monsoon
                                                                 season for breeding and spawning of fish species.
          Fisheries sector plays an important role  in the Indian  Inadequate Mechanization: The marine capture fishery
          economy. It contributes to the national income, exports,  is largely comprised of small fishermen operating
          food  and  nutritional  security  as  well  as  employment  traditional boats.
          generation. Fisheries sector is recognized as the 'Sunrise
                                                                 The large catch spoils due to a lack of refrigeration
          Sector' and has demonstrated an outstanding growth rate.
          Fisheries and aquaculture continue to be an important
                                                                 Indian fishermen sometimes get captured by the navies
          source of food, nutrition, income and livelihood to millions
          of people.                                             of Sri Lanka and Pakistan.
                                                              Initiatives by Government to harness
          The below table shows contribution of GVA by Fisheries to
          National GVA                                        Fisheries sector
                                            (Rupees in crores)  The Fisheries sector has immense potential to double the

           Year          GVA of Fisheries    National GVA     income of fishers and fish farmers as envisioned by the
                                                              Government of India in economic prosperity.
           2016-17           99,627           1,13,28,285
           2017-18          1,14,248          1,20,74,413     Blue Revolution was launched in December 2015 as a
           2018-19          1,28,011          1,28,03,128     Centrally Sponsored Scheme with an outlay of Rs.3000 crores
                                                              for 5 years (2015-16 to 2019-20) to enhance integrated,
          (Source: National Statistical Office, Ministry of Statistics and  responsible and holistic development and Management of
          Programme Implementation, GoI)                      Fisheries sector.The Blue Revolution scheme includes the
                                                              following components:
          India is the third largest fish producing country in the world  1. The National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) and
          accounting for 8% of global production and contributing  its activities

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