Page 13 - Banking Finance July 2023
P. 13


          "Coins we have a peculiar situation  credit-risk sharing agreement, a cer-  through a multi-stakeholder approach,
          where the supply is very high, it's tak-  tain percentage of the default loan  it added.
          ing up a lot of storage space and it's  portfolio  of banks and NBFCs  (regis-
                                                                               To measure the extent of financial in-
          not getting properly distributed, but at  tered  entities) are guaranteed by a
                                                                               clusion, the RBI had constructed the
          the  same  time there  is demand in  third party, a fintech or lending service
                                                                               Financial Inclusion (FI) Index in 2021,
          pockets. So, one way of increasing ab-  provider (LSP).
                                                                               based on three dimensions of financial
          sorption of coins into the system is to
                                            According to the new guidelines, the  inclusion - 'access', 'usage' and 'qual-
          make coins available in places where
                                            entities may enter into  default loss  ity'.
          there is demand," said Deputy Gover-
                                            guarantee arrangements only with  a
          nor T Rabi Sankar.
                                            lending service provider or other enti-  RBI clears SBI Funds's 10%
                                            ties with which it has entered into an
          RBI norms on guarantee                                               buy in HDFC Bank
                                            outsourcing arrangement.
                                                                               The RBI has given its approval to SBI
          may hit unsecured loans:          Further, the LSP providing default loss
                                                                               Funds Management (SBIFML) to ac-
          Crisil                            guarantee must be incorporated as a  quire up to 9.99% stake in HDFC Bank,
                                            company under the Companies Act,
          The RBI's norms on first loss default                                the private sector lender said. It fur-
                                            2013. It indicates that entities can ac-
          guarantee (FLDG) cover are likely to                                 ther said SBIFML has been advised by
                                            cept default loss guarantee in forms
          curb lending volumes in unsecured per-                               RBI to acquire the major shareholding
                                            like cash deposited with the entities,
          sonal and business loans, according to                               in six months (by November 15, 2023).
                                            fixed deposits maintained with a sched-
          rating agency Crisil. FLDG is a guaran-                              SBIFML has to  ensure the aggregate
                                            uled  commercial  bank  with  a  lien
          tee extended to lenders by corporate                                 holding in the bank remains below 10%
                                            marked in favour of the entities and
          entities for loans.                                                  of the paid-up share capital or voting
                                            bank guarantee in favour of the regis-  rights of HDFC Bank at all times.
          Availability of FLDG cover has enabled
                                            tered entities. The registered entities
          fintechs scale up digital lending as it
                                            will ensure that a default cover could
          emboldened traditional lenders like                                  Das presented Governor
                                            be provided for up to 5 per cent of the
          banks and non-banking finance compa-                                 of the Year Award in Lon-
                                            loan portfolio.
          nies to take on their books unsecured
          loans extended without human inter-
                                            RBI launches financial in-
          vention using analytics.                                             RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das, who
                                                                               was chosen for the prestigious Gover-
          The RBI limited the FLDG to 5% of the clusion dashboard
                                                                               nor of the Year Award 2023 earlier this
          loan portfolio and disallowed corporate  RBI,  launched  a Financial Inclusion
                                                                               year, has said that central banks at the
          guarantees as a form of FLDG.     Dashboard called Antardrishti. This will
                                                                               core of monetary and financial systems
                                            provide the central bank the required
                                                                               have been called to do "heavy lifting"
          RBI  allows  default  loss        insight to  assess and  monitor  the
                                                                               well beyond their traditional mandate.
                                            progress of financial inclusion by cap-
          guarantee to fintechs                                                Das was conferred the award by 'Cen-
                                            turing relevant parameters.
          RBI came out with a regulatory frame-                                tral Banking' which definitively covers
                                            This facility, which  was launched by
          work to permit default loss guarantee                                and analyses issues around the world's
                                            Governor Shaktikanta  Das,  will also
          arrangements in digital lending.                                     central banks and financial regulators
                                            enable the RBI to gauge the extent of  following the summer meetings of the
          This is considered as a major relief to
                                            financial exclusion at granular levels  organisation in London.
          financial technology (fintech) compa-
                                            across the country so that such areas
          nies that were seeking clarity on their
                                            can be  addressed, said  the central
          lending arrangements with banks and                                  RBI  looks  to  ease  KYC
                                            bank in a statement.
          non-banking financial companies. The
                                                                               pain, deter mis-selling by
          RBI had barred the first loss default  The dashboard, intended for internal
          guarantee arrangement under  the  use in the RBI at present, will further banks
          digital  lending  norms.  Under  this  facilitate greater financial inclusion  An  RBI panel has suggested several
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