Page 15 - Banking Finance July 2023
P. 15


          gins  as  they  entail higher  interest  This is the first time that RBI has come  The RBI started withdrawing from its
          rates.                            out with compromise norms for set-  pandemic period accommodation  in
                                            tling with wilful defaulters. Earlier RBI  April last year. Some market watchers
          "Some action from the RBI on unse-
                                            norms had focused on ensuring that  were expecting a switch to neutral
          cured lending, credit cards, etc. could
                                            the settlement amount is not less than  stance in this month’s policy as infla-
          be seen," a senior source aware of the
                                            the net present value of the security.  tion came closer to the target, while
          central bank's thinking said. "Excessive
                                            Banks were also barred from restruc-  growth slowed amid a tighter policy
          growth is the first sign of potential
                                            turing loans of wilful defaulters. This  and weakening global economy.
                                            rule continues and banks cannot give
                                                                               “The thinking appears to me that finan-
          None of the sources  wanted to  be  the wilful defaulters fresh credit.
                                                                               cial firms and professional forecasters
          named  because  they  are  not
                                                                               understand the stance well enough and
          authorised to speak to the media.
                                            Rate-setting panel mem-
                                                                               so  there is  no  need  to change it,”
          "We can expect the RBI to increase
                                            ber asks RBI to talk clearly       Varma  said, who teaches finance at
          risk weights on  unsecured personal
                                                                               the Indian Institute of Management in
                                            for greater good
          loans and credit cards and, or, float a
          discussion paper on how to monitor  An outspoken member in India’s rate-
          the space more efficiently," said the  setting body has criticized the central
                                                                               RBI to pay Rs. 87,416 crore
          head of credit card vertical at a private  bank for being non-transparent about
                                                                               as dividend to Centre for
          sector bank.                      its policy intent and confusing the pub-
                                            lic with technicalities.           FY23
          As per RBI norms, the risk weights - or
          the capital that the banks need to set  “The  monetary  policy  committee  The Reserve Bank of India's Central
                                            should not be content with communi-  Board of Directors approved the trans-
          aside for every loan  - on  unsecured
                                            cating to an ‘inside’ audience of regu-  fer of Rs. 87,416 crore as surplus to the
          personal loans and outstanding on
                                            lated entities in a coded language, but  Central government for the accounting
          credit cards currently stands at 100%
                                            should endeavor to communicate with  year 2022-23. This  is 188 per cent
          and 125%, respectively.
                                            the general public in as transparent a  higher than previous financial year's
          Compromise settlements            language as possible,” Jayanth Rama  surplus transfer of Rs. 30,307 crore.
                                            Varma, an external member in the
          also need board nod: RBI                                             The board decided to keep the contin-
                                            Reserve Bank  of India’s six-member
                                                                               gency risk buffer (CRB) at 6 per cent
          The RBI has put the onus of settling  panel, said in an interview via email.
                                                                               (5.50 per cent in FY22). As per the ex-
          cases of wilful loan default on the
                                            The central bank left the key rate un-  pert committee to review the extant
          board of directors of the lending banks.
                                            changed for a second straight meeting  economic capital framework,  CRB is
          The policies also need to ensure that
                                            on June 8  and maintained  its ‘with-  required to be maintained within a
          individuals or committees responsible
                                            drawal of accommodation’ stance as it  range of 6.5 per cent to 5.5 per cent
          for approving such  settlements hold
                                            tries to  ensure the recent moderation  of the RBI's balance sheet, comprising
          higher authority than those sanction-
                                            in inflation continues. It wants to keep  5.5 to 4.5 per cent for monetary and
          ing the credit or investment exposure.
                                            a close vigil on risks to inflation from  financial stability risks and 1 per cent
          "Regulated entities may undertake  uneven rains and geopolitical tensions,  for credit and operational risks.
          compromise settlements or technical  minutes of the MPC meeting showed.
                                                                               The RBI's Central Board, in its meet-
          write-offs  in  respect  of  accounts
                                            Varma, who has expressed his reserva-  ing, reviewed the global and domestic
          categorised  as wilful  defaulters  or
                                            tions  against  the  language  of  the  economic situation  and associated
          fraud without prejudice to the criminal  stance for six straight policies since  challenges including the impact of cur-
          proceeding under way against such  August last year, called it “more vesti-  rent global geopolitical developments,
          debtors…Proposals for compromise  gial than a statement of intent”. The  per an RBI statement. The board also
          settlements in respect of debtors clas-  stance is losing relevance after the  discussed the working of the Reserve
          sified as fraud or wilful defaulter shall  back-to-back hold and  doesn’t truly  Bank during FY23 and approved the
          require board  approval in all cases,"  reflect what MPC is actually doing or  annual report and accounts for the
          according to the RBI circular.    what it is likely to do in future, he said.  accounting year 2022-23.
            14 | 2023 | JULY                                                               | BANKING FINANCE
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