Page 25 - Banking Finance July 2023
P. 25



          Record  180  resolution Forceful seizure of vehicles                 The court passed the judgment on
                                                                               May 19 while hearing five cases of
          plans get nod in FY23             by recovery agents is ille-
                                                                               forceful seizure of vehicles by recovery
          Insolvency tribunal NCLT approved 180  gal: HC                       agents. The erring banks/financial
          resolution plans in FY23, the highest-                               companies were fined Rs 50,000 each.
                                            Patna high court has held that force-
          ever number so far, resulting in a total
                                            ful seizure of vehicles from owners  In his 53-page judgment, Justice Ranjan
          realisation of Rs 51,424 crore from
                                            who  default  on  loans,  through  referred to more than 25 decisions of
          stressed  assets.  In  terms  of  the
                                            musclemen, is sheer violation of the  the Supreme Court, and also one by
          realisation for creditors, this is the sec-
                                            fundamental right to life and livelihood  South Africa's apex court, and held that
          ond highest after FY19, when the to-
                                            as guaranteed by the Constitution and  the high court can hear a writ petition
          tal realisation was Rs 1. 11 lakh crore
                                            that such bullying actions attract lodg-  against any "private actor" whose ac-
          after completing 77 insolvency pro-
                                            ing of FIRs.                       tions under the "government's nose
          ceedings including some bigticket mat-
                                                                               deprive a  citizen of his fundamental
          ters such as Essar Steel and Monnet  The court observed that vehicle loans
                                                                               right to life and livelihood as envisaged
          Ispat.                            should be recovered by following pro-
                                                                               under Article 21 of the Constitution".
                                            visions of securitisation that empower
          This has helped creditors of debt-ridden
                                            banks and equivalent financial institu-
          firms in FY23 to realise 36% of their
                                            tions to recover bad debts by acquir-  Tax dept to act on specific
          total admitted claims of Rs 1,42,543
                                            ing physical possession of the mort- evasion data
          crore for the year ended  March 31,
                                            gaged properties of defaulting borrow-
          2023.                                                                Income  tax  authorities have been
                                            ers  with  the  aid  of  the  district  asked to compulsorily pick up cases,
          The combined total liquidation value of
                                            administration and getting them auc-  where there is specific information of
          the assets of 180 corporate debtors
                                            tioned in order to enforce their secu-  tax evasion on returns, for complete
          (CDs) was at Rs 39,110 crore and the
                                            rity interest.                     scrutiny during the current financial
          creditors received 131% higher than it,
                                                                               year, as part of the guidelines issued by
          according  to data  released  by  the  A single bench of Justice Rajeev Ranjan
                                                                               the  Central  Board  of  Direct  Taxes
          Insolvencyand Bankruptcy Board of  Prasad, while disposing a batch of writ
          India (IBBI). Moreover in FY23, the  petitions, lambasted banks and finance
          National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)  companies that rope in musclemen to  In addition, cases where there was an
          admitted  1,255  applications  from  forcefully seize hypothecated vehicles  addition and have been taken up un-
          creditors for initiation of the Corporate  (even at gunpoint). The court directed  der section 148 - which empowers as-
          Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP),  all police superintendents in Bihar to  sessing officers to estimate someone's
          which is also one of the highest num-  ensure that no vehicle is seized force-  income based on available information
          ber since 2019.                   fully by any recovery agent.       - will also be taken up.
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