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operation of her husband. The Branch Manager     5. The Award shall be implemented within 30 days of
             accepted her request and made the payment of         receipt of the same. The compliance of the Award
             Rs.1,17,042/- and Rs.39375/- on 31.01.2009 and       shall be intimated to my office for information and
             03.02.2009 respectively. It is her submission that since  record.
             she was handed over a letter wherein the maturity  6. Copies of the Award to both the parties.
             value of the policy was shown as Rs.1,91,388/- and she
             had been paid a sum of Rs.1,56,417/-, she is still to  Lucknow Ombudsman Centre
             receive balance amount from LIC of India. As a matter
             of fact, the sum and substance of the complaint was      Complaint No.L-729/26/001/09-10
             that LIC was not justified in not making her payment         Smt. Vijay Laxmi Verma
             of Rs.34971/- (191388-156417).
         3. It has been clarified by LIC of India that whatsoever   Life Insurance Corporation of India
             amount was due to the policy holder on the maturity
             of the policy, the same was given to her in two
             instalments, that is, Rs.1,17,042/- & Rs.39375/-  Smt. Vijay Laxmi Verma had lodged a complaint with this
                                                              office for unjustified and unwarranted delay in settling
             respectively. As a matter of fact, a sum of Rs.1,18,125/
                                                              maturity claim under the policy issued on her own life. The
             - was payable to her in the form of annuity, as it was
                                                              policy matured in 01.05.2007 but even after issuing a
             a pension plan but the entire amount was paid to her
                                                              number of reminders and following the matter vigorously,
             on medical ground on her request after deducting 5%
                                                              the respondent has not paid the maturity amount due
             towards surrender charges. Besides, she was paid a
                                                              under the policy.
             sum of Rs.39375/- to which she was entitled to at the
             time of vesting of the policy. The sum assured of the
                                                              The life assured took policy no.231992594 on 01.05.1999
             policy was Rs.90,000/- she was entitled to bonus of
                                                              under table – term 14-B for Rs.25000/- which matured on
             Rs.67500/- thus, the total amount payable to her as
             per terms and conditions of the policy on the maturity  01.05.2007 but respondent did not pay maturity amount
                                                              even after vigorous follow up. Therefore she approached
             date amounted to Rs.1,57,500/- which she was paid
                                                              this forum.
             in two instalments in addition to annuity payment of
             Rs 4823/ (1024*4 + 727) till the date of surrender of
                                                              It is observed that the policy matured on 01.05.2007 and
             the policy and thus nothing remains to be paid to her
                                                              the life assured completed all the requirements of maturity
             by LIC of India.
                                                              payment. The respondent did not send their
                                                              representative to attend the case nor they sent para wise
         4. I have considered very carefully the submissions of the
                                                              written comments. The respondents are not in a position
             complainant. I have also perused the detailed
                                                              to explain the reason of inordinate delay. The respondent
             clarification given by the insurer. After due
                                                              company has no justification or ground to defer the
             consideration of the matter, I find that whatever was
                                                              payment without any rhyme or reason. This is a clear case
             due to the complainant in respect of policy under
                                                              of deficiency of service in which the complainant is
             reference, the same was paid to her. She was not
                                                              subjected without any fault of her.
             entitled to an amount of Rs.1,91,388/- as she was
             made to understand by ZMC. However, I find that  The respondent had not given any written reply to the
             there has been delay in making payment of Rs.39375/  letters written to him in this regard and no word of
             - which was paid to her vide cheque No.137651 dated  respondent is sufficient enough to explain this extra
             16.01.2009 whereas the same was payable on       ordinary delay of more than two years without any rhyme
             20.08.2008 when the papers were submitted for    and reason on the part of the insurer. Hence without going
             making the payment of commuted value. Thus, the  fully into the merit of the case I direct the respondent to
             complainant is entitled to interest @ 8% on Rs.39375/  pay the amount of the maturity claim due under the policy
             - from 20.08.2008 to 16.01.2009. It is awarded   along with a panel interest @ 8% per annum from the date
             accordingly.                                     of maturity of the policy i.e. from 01.05.2007. T

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