Page 13 - Banking Finance July 2022
P. 13


          a decline in its inflows. However, out-  rations, the intellectual property rights  Sebi's current chairperson Madhabi
          ward FDI from India rose 43 per cent  (IPR) for innovations will remain with  Puri Buch's tenure as WTM ended on
          to $15.5 billion in 2021.         the innovator.                     October 4, 2021 and G. Mahalingam
                                                                               demitted office on November 8, 2021.
                                            Under the Indian Railway Innovation
          Nepal starts exporting sur-       Policy,  the  railways  will  invest  in  Legal  experts  had said keeping key
          plus energy to India              startups to get a headstart in procur-  posts vacant at Sebi had strained the
                                            ing innovations  directly  from them  market development and made it chal-
          In what would boost cross-border en-
                                            with a promise of up to Rs 1.5 crore of  lenging for the regulator to carry out
          ergy partnership,  Nepal has  started
                                            seed money for innovative technologi-  key functions such as enforcement.
          selling electricity to India through its
                                            cal solutions for the  national trans-
          power exchange market.
                                                                               Tata Group most valuable
          Following the rainy season, Nepal's
                                            "The policy is not just limited to the
          hydel power projects produced excess                                 Indian brand: Top UK firm
                                            idea.  Indian  Railways  will  follow  it
          power which prompted the Nepal Elec-                                 The Tata Group remains the most valu-
                                            through to the product after proof of
          tricity Authority to sell surplus energy                             able Indian brand and its oldest com-
                                            concept and scaling it up, doubling the
          to the Indian market."We started sell-                               pany -  Taj Hotels - has emerged as the
                                            grant support and finally adoption of
          ing  37.7MW of electricity  to  Indian                               strongest brand in India, according to
                                            successfully developed product/tech-
          buyers starting from 12.15 am," Suresh                               UK-based Brand Finance (BF), which is
                                            nology for regular use and even sup-
          Bhattarai, spokesperson at the Nepal                                 the world's leading sectoral valuation
                                            port for two to three years.
          Electricity Authority (NEA) told.                                    consultancy.
          According to him, electricity produced
                                            Ashwani  Bhatia  takes             Infosys is now the second most valuable
          from the 24MW Trishuli  and 15MW                                     Indian brand, overtaking LIC and SBI is
                                            charge as Sebi whole-time
          Devighat power plants was sold. The                                  most valuable bank brand in South Asia.
          average price of electricity has been  member                        BF list of top 10 most valuable Indian
          maintained  at  Rs  6  per  unit,                                    brands in 2022 is - Tata ($24 billion),
                                            Ashwani Bhatia took charge as a whole
          Kathmandu  Post  reported  quoting
                                            time member (WTM) at market regu-  Infosys ($13 billion), LIC ($11 billion),
          Lokendra Shahi, another NEA official.                                Reliance Industries Ltd ($8.6 billion),
                                            lator Securities and Exchange Board of
          The NEA earned around Rs 10 million
                                            India (SEBI). Bhatia was previously the  Airtel ($7.7 billion), SBI ($7.5 billion),
          by selling electricity.
                                            Managing  Director of  State Bank of  HDFC Bank ($6.9 billion), Wipro ($6.4
          Nepal  is  selling  electricity  to  India  India (SBI).             billion) and Mahindra and HCL ($6.1
          through its exchange market for the  "Bhatia will handle the department of  billion each).
          second year in a row. NEA sold electric-  debt and hybrid securities (DDHS), al-  "Tata  Group (brand value up 12% to
          ity  from the same  two  projects  for  ternative investment fund and foreign  $24 billion) continues to be the most
          nearly one and a half months starting  portfolio investors department (AFD),  valuable brand in
          early November last year.         market intermediaries regulation and
                                                                               India… retains top position as it led by
                                            supervision department (MIRSD), cor-
                                                                               example through the Covid-19 crisis,"
          Railways to invest Rs. 50 cr      poration finance investigation depart-
                                                                               BF said. BF list of top 10 strongest In-
                                            ment (CFID) and office of investor as-
          in start-ups each year, in-                                          dian  brands is:  Taj,  HDFC  Bank, Jio,
                                            sistance & education (OIAE)," Sebi said
                                                                               Amul,  LIC,  MRF,  Britannia,  Tanishq,
          novators  to  retain  their       in a release.
                                                                               Airtel and Maruti Suzuki.
          IPR                               After Bhatia's joining,  Sebi  now has
          Indian Railways will invest more than  three WTMs. The government is yet to
                                                                               Agri-tech startup bags $5
          Rs 50 crore annually to fund startups,  appoint the fourth member. The mar-
                                                                               mn funding
          Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnav said,  ket regulator functioned with just two
          adding that unlike other such collabo-  WTMs for the past seven months after  Nutrifresh, an agri-tech startup focus-

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