Page 8 - Banking Finance July 2022
P. 8


          Reserve Bank

          RBI  lifts  ban on Master-        businesses. We are glad we have met  But the RBI report paints an encour-
                                            this milestone and will continue to en-  aging picture of economic activity gain-
          card after one year
                                            sure ongoing delivery against the goals  ing strength, with most gross domes-
          RBI  has  lifted  the  ban  imposed on  and regulatory requirements that have  tic product (GDP) constituents exceed-
          Mastercard and allowed the card net-  been established" it said.     ing  their pre-pandemic  levels. "The
          work to onboard new customers for                                    recovery remained broadly on track.
                                            "India is an important market for us,
          debit, credit, or prepaid cards, as it is                            This demonstrates the resilience of the
                                            both in terms of the innovation created
          satisfied with the company's compli-                                 economy in the face of multiple shocks
                                            here and the value we deliver to our
          ance with the storage of payment data                                and the innate strength of macro fun-
                                            customers and partners," it said.
                                                                               damentals as India strives to regain a
          The embargo on the company is being                                  sustainable high-growth trajectory,"
                                            India  better  placed  to
          lifted almost a year after it was im-                                the report says.
          posed in July last year. The move will avoid stagflation risk, says
          benefit lenders, such as YES Bank and                                RBI body calls for periodic
                                            RBI report
          RBL  Bank, which were solely  issuing
                                            Even as  stagflation  risks  loom  over review of regulations
          Mastercard cards before the ban. Citi
                                            some of the major global economies,  The  Regulations  Review  Authority
          also partnered only with Mastercard
                                            including the US, India is better placed  (RRA 2.0), set up by the Reserve Bank
          for its credit cards before the ban.
                                            to avoid such a risk, the Reserve Bank  of India, has recommended a periodic
          "In view of the satisfactory compliance
                                            of India (RBI) says in its monthly 'State  review of existing regulations to align
          demonstrated by Mastercard Asia  /
                                            of the Economy' report, released.  them with evolving developments in
          Pacific Pte. Ltd. with the RBI circular
                                                                               industry practices  and  the  financial
          dated April 6, 2018 on storage of pay-  "In the midst of this increasingly hos-
          ment  system  data,  the  restrictions  tile external environment, India is bet-
          imposed, vide  order dated  July  14,  ter placed than many other countries  In  the  past,  the  RRA  had  recom-
          2021, on on-boarding of new domes-  in terms of avoiding the risks of a po-  mended the withdrawal of 714 regu-
          tic customers have been lifted with  tential stagflation," the report says.  latory instructions, which have either
          immediate effect," the RBI said.                                     become obsolete or redundant and
                                            At least 83 per cent of fund managers
                                                                               have not been explicitly withdrawn.
          Mastercard, said in a statement, wel-  surveyed by Bank of America Research
          comed the decision. "As we have in  this month see the global economy fac-  Further,  the  authority  has  recom-
          our engagement with the RBI, we re-  ing the risk of stagflation - the phe-  mended the elimination of paper-based
          affirm our commitment to support the  nomenon of rising inflation and slowing  returns and has suggested a periodic
          digital needs of India, its people and its  economic growth.         review of regulatory and supervisory

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