Page 142 - Fire Insurance Ebook IC 57
P. 142
Fire and Consequential Loss Insurance
n Applicable warranties and clauses with identification numbers
n Total Sum Insured - Total Premium - Special Discount
Occupancy wise data provides for:
n Risk Code / Rate Code
n Rates for Building, Contents, etc.
n Discount CED (Claims Experience Discount) and FEA (Fire
Extinguishing Appliances)
n Net Rate
If any changes are required to be made in insurance policies it is made
through endorsements.
Common endorsements
n Change in the name of the insured i.e. change in interest.
n Incorporation of a Bank's name or of a financial institution.
n Change in the address or location of the property insured.
n Alteration in the risk i.e. a change in its occupation or construction.
n Variations in the sum insured. -Alteration in the period of insurance.
Examples of endorsements are:
Additional Interest
"It is hereby declared and agreed that K. C. Shah of 17, of Sir. P. M.
Road, Bombay is also interested in the insurance by this policy as
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