Page 149 - Fire Insurance Ebook IC 57
P. 149
The Insurance Times
c. Process of manufacture -
(i) Detailed description of the process of manufacture
with reference to general hazards arising from
friction, dust explosion, inflammable solvents,
chemical processes and also specific hazards of
the particular industry.
(ii) The nature and method of storage of raw materials
and finished goods, accumulation and disposal of
trade waste.
(iii) Details of age and conditions of machineries used.
(iv) Lubrication of all power operated machinery, the
quantity/quality and the place of storing lubricants.
d. Exposer -
(i) Construction and occupancy of buildings adjacent
to the risk and the nature of separation between
the adjoining buildings and the proposed risk.
(ii) Description of the surroundings, e.g empty yard,
fields, railway etc is to be given.
(iii) Reference is made to the probability of
conflagration hazard, usually present in large
industrial complexes, industrial estates and
congested areas.
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