Page 191 - Fire Insurance Ebook IC 57
P. 191

The Insurance Times

         vii) Surplus over gross capacity of the market is
              reinsured with GIC facultatively and protected by
              excess of loss cover. The net retained Facultative
              account is equally shared between GIC and the
              four subsidiary companies.

Q 10. What are the requirements of IRDA for
        consideration and review of products under
        File and Use guidelines.

Ans. There are several requirements of IRDA for
         consideration and review of products under File and Use

One of the preconditions for the acceptance of products
filed with the Authority is that the insurer has to first file
the Underwriting Policy, approved by its Board and
satisfied by IRDA.

IRDA requirements for considerations are as
i) Design and rating of product must always be based

     on sound and prudent underwriting. The

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