Page 217 - Fire Insurance Ebook IC 57
P. 217

The Insurance Times

Manufacturer's stocks

The stocks at manufacturers' premises may consist of
(i) raw materials;
(ii) stock-in-process; and
(iii) finished goods.

Type of Stock     Measure of               Basis of
Raw materials     Indemnity                settlement
                                           Market price plus
Stock-in-process  Indemnity is clearly     costs of
Finished goods    represented by the       transportation upto
                  landed cost at which     the site of fire.
                  such materials are
                  available at the place   The costs of
                  of fire and at the time  processes yet to be
                  of fire;                 incurred are excluded.
                                           It should not include
                  Total cost incurred      any anticipated
                  till the time of         profit.
                  damage by fire

                  Total cost of good
                  lying in the manu-
                  facturers premises

Household goods and personal effects

n These terms describe all articles ordinarily and normally found
     and used in a household. The terms include furniture, (cooking,
     utensils, domestic appliances, television, etc. The term personal
     effects would include wearing apparel, books, etc.

n In general, it is the accepted practice that if these classes of property
     are lost or destroyed, they can be replaced from the market and

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