Page 70 - Fire Insurance Ebook IC 57
P. 70

Fire and Consequential Loss Insurance

(iii) Under which, notice have been served upon the
     insured prior to the happening of the destruction or

(iv) In respect of undamaged portion of the property
     other than foundations of that portion of the
     property destroyed or damaged.

(b) The additional cost that would be required to
     make good the property damaged or destroyed
     to a condition when the new had the necessity
     to comply with any of the Regulations or Bye

(c) The amount of any rate, tax, duty, development
     or other charge or assessment arising out of the
     capital appreciation which may be payable in
     respect of the property or by the owner by reason
     of compliance with any of the Regulations or

Q8. When are the declaration policies issued?
        Discuss the tariff rules and advantages of
        declaration policy.

Ans. Declaration policy is issued to stocks which are subject

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