Page 22 - Insurance Times August 2019
P. 22

sufficient flexibility built into it so that local administrations  Although it is a Rs 5-lakh cover, premium will depend on
        can adjust it as per local needs.                   the average payout. The cost will depend on the
                                                            assumptions. The premium that companies would charge
        In-patient hospitalization expenditure in India has increased  the government would also depend on factors, including
        nearly 300% during last ten years. More than 80% of the  benefits provided. If maternity, pre-existing diseases and
        expenditure are met by out of pocket (OOP). Rural   waiting period is waived off, than the pricing will go up.  The
        households primarily depended on their 'household income  pricing would also depend on states' bargaining power of
        /savings' (68%) and on 'borrowings' (25%), the urban  the states.
        households relied much more on their 'income/saving'
        (75%) for financing expenditure on hospitalizations, and on  India has a major role in driving other countries to achieve
        (18%) borrowings. (NSSO 2015).                      success. Indian success will mean that no country at any
                                                            level can say UHC is out of their reach. India has also has a
        Out of pocket (OOP) expenditure in India is over 60% which  major contribution to make to other countries progress
        leads to nearly 6 million families getting into poverty due  towards health for all.  With commitment to universal health
        to catastrophic health expenditures. AB-NHPM will have  coverage, strengthening of primary healthcare, provision of
        major impact on reduction of Out Of Pocket (OOP)    free drugs and diagnostics at public health facilities, and
        expenditure on ground of:                           stepping up financial protection for healthcare through a
        i)  Increased benefit cover to nearly 40% of the    government-funded programme, the scheme proposes to
           population, (the poorest & the vulnerable)       improve improved access to healthcare and reduce out-of-
        ii)  Covering almost all secondary and many tertiary  pocket expenditure.
           hospitalizations. (Except a negative list)
                                                            Unless the delivery machinery in healthcare is extensively
        iii) Coverage of 5 lakh for each family, (no restriction of  overhauled, even the sceptics-approved, tightened version
           family size)
                                                            of NHPS will remain a strategy on paper that will hit
                                                            implementation crisis from the word go. India urgently
        This will lead to increase access to quality health and
        medication. In addition, the unmet needs of the population  needs a robust policy to expand and standardize production
                                                            of trained health workers. This will entail creating more jobs,
        which remained hidden due to lack of financial resources  and ensuring consistent supply to fill these jobs. Opening
        will be catered to. This will lead to timely treatments,
        improvements in health outcomes, patient satisfaction,  new centres of medical excellence, and increasing seats for
                                                            admission is not enough.
        improvement in productivity and efficiency, job creation
        thus leading to improvement in quality of life. Tracking the
                                                            The incentive structure of public health workers must be
        NHPS will be extremely important to set priorities and shape
        future health policies in India.                    reframed to become competitive, to retain them within
                                                            public institutes, and within India. The prestige and respect
                                                            attached with the profession must be replenished to attract
        In a large and diversified country, health needs differ from
        state to state, and, within a state, can vary greatly from one
        district to another. Good disaggregated measures of health
        outcomes will become the basis of framing and assessing
        future health policy. In spite of the best efforts of previous
        governments, there is little or no evidence on whether past
        health policies have had the intended effects.

        A well run NHPS has the potential to become the
        cornerstone of India's healthcare needs for several future
        generations. As per an actuarial estimate, Ayushman Bharat
        Scheme for the poor, would require as much as Rs 20,000
        crore in the first year with the number rising to Rs 50,000
        crore in later years given the extent of coverage. One
        premium will lead to cross-subsidisation. Enforcing exclusion
        will be difficult.

        22  The Insurance Times, August 2019
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