Page 19 - Insurance Times August 2019
P. 19

villages. The government also has a provision of extending
                                                            free treatment to the poor by reserving some beds in private
                                                            hospitals. However, most private hospitals claim they don't
                                                            get enough poor and underprivileged patients for free beds.

                                                            The health ministry is currently detecting, correcting and
                                                            deleting inaccurate records from its database for targeted
                                                            beneficiaries. While contacting rural beneficiaries to inform
                                                            them about their entitlement for NHPS has been
                                                            strategically planned, the major task for the government
                                                            now is finding the actual whereabouts of urban
                                                            beneficiaries. The NHPM is an entitlement-based scheme
                                                            and the biggest challenge is to reach out to poor and tell
                                                            them that they are entitled for this scheme.

        Census (SECC). Beneficiaries under NHPM can avail of Delivery mechanism of the scheme:
        benefits in both public and empanelled private facilities.  Ayushman Bharat - National Health Protection Mission will
        Health policy experts claim that the scheme will prove to  target about 10.74 crore poor, deprived rural families and
        be a game changer with poor families benefiting the most.  identified occupational category of urban workers' families
        The NHPM has included people on the criteria of profession.  as per the latest Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC) data
                                                            covering both rural and urban. The scheme is designed to
        The urban space is geographically diffused and the poor  be dynamic and aspirational and it would take into account
        population in urban areas is fluid. The population keeps on  any future changes in the exclusion/ inclusion/ deprivation/
        coming in, going out and migrating within as well as outside  occupational criteria in the SECC data. 1950, the year India
        the urban space. There may come some inherent difficulties  became a republic, was also the year when several nations
        in communicating with this chunk of urban population. As  acknowledged the need to join forces on issues of health.
        this is a national scheme and has to be implemented in  Since then, 7 April has been celebrated as World Health Day,
        partnership with the states, they will have to find out ways  also the anniversary of the World Health Organization
        to reach out to the lowest quintile of their areas.  (WHO). WHO's theme for this year's World Health Day is
                                                            universal healthcare, an exact match with Indian
        The expenditure incurred in premium payment will be  government's vision of Ayushman Bharat, powered by the
        shared between Central and State Governments in specified  National Health Protection Scheme (NHPS) announcement
        ratio as per Ministry of Finance guidelines. The total  by the Union finance minister in his 2018 budget speech.
        expenditure will depend on actual market determined
        premium paid in States/ UTs where Ayushman Bharat -  NHPS has faced a mix of admiration and criticism from
        National Health Protection Mission will be implemented  policy makers, politicians, healthcare workers and
                                                            academics. Sceptics have raised questions on its contours,
        through insurance companies. In States/UTs where the
        scheme will be implemented in Trust/Society mode, the  assumptions and implementation. Earlier, this author too
        central share of funds will be provided based on actual  had pointed out NHPS's limitation towards achieving its
        expenditure or premium ceiling (whichever is lower) in the  objective of "health for all" as it excludes coverage for
        pre-determined ratio. Poor people will not fall back into  outpatient services availed in the private sector by its
        utter poverty due to a health emergency and they can be  intended beneficiaries, the largest chunk of their out-of-
        assured that the scheme will take care of their health needs.  pocket expenditure on health.
        The scheme is a game changer in the health sector and it  Quality of healthcare delivery is another concern. In public
        should be rolled out in a manner that ensures the best  healthcare organisations, one finds well-qualified, over-
        possible coverage. Private health and insurance industry  worked, under-rested junior doctors and residents, who
        experts also expect new jobs to be created. The scheme will  tirelessly work in order to eventually land up a more
        also create lakhs of new jobs in the country as new  organized and better-paying job within India or abroad. The
        healthcare facilities will come up in smaller districts and  pitiable and unhygienic conditions in which they work and

                                                                       The Insurance Times, August 2019 19
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