Page 15 - Insurance Times August 2019
P. 15



        Munich Re aims to sustain         Swiss Re boosts P&C capabilities in Asia
        10% share of cyber market         With the appointment of Hans-Joachim Zimmermann as head of client mar-
                                                                  kets, P&C (conventional) in Malaysia, and Xinmei
        Munich Re has recently revealed its                       Zheng as head of client markets, Hong Kong and Tai-
        plan of focusing on the growing                           wan, Swiss Re Asia has added two new leaders to
        cyber re/insurance market, with an                        its property and casualty team.
        aim of retaining its current 10%
        share. In 2018, the re/insurer earned                     Zimmerman will be responsible for marketing, origi-
        premium volume of almost US $500  nation and client relationship management activities of P&C conventional busi-
        million from cyber coverage.      ness in the Malaysia and Indo-China markets. He has over two decades of ex-
                                          perience in the insurance industry and has overseen several underwriting and
        Munich Re stated that it continues  business development functions in Singapore, Malaysia and Germany, where
        to view itself as the most “active” re-  he covered some of the world’s major insurance markets including the US and
        insurer in the space and plans to  the UK. He began his insurance career with Allianz in Germany before joining
        hold on to its 10% share in the high  AXA in 1999, where he held numerous senior roles. Most recently, he was chief
        growth line. The combined ratio for
                                          underwriting officer at AXA Affin General Insurance Bhd in Malaysia, a posi-
        Munich Re’s cyber operations is   tion he had held since 2015.
        therefore estimated to be around
        80-85%, although the data for such  Meanwhile, Zheng will be in charge of marketing, origination and client relation-
                                          ship management activities of P&C business in the Hong Kong/Macau and Tai-
        an estimate remains incomplete
                                          wan markets. Zheng joined Swiss Re in 2008 and has been involved in customising
        Analysts have noted that Munich   non-life solutions for clients across Asia. Most recently, she was client manager
        Re’s position is in stark contrast to its  & market underwriter for P&C reinsurance, a role she has held since 2014.
        competitor Swiss Re, which they as
        extremely cautious concerning cyber
        business. Swiss Re considers accu-  GEICO, Jewelers Mutual launch jewellery insurance
        mulation risk to be the biggest risk,  policy
        analysts suggested, and will not fully  In collaboration with Jewelers Mutual Insurance Group, GEICO (Government
        enter the market until a large event  Employees Insurance Company), the second-largest auto insurer in the US, has
        allows for higher prices.         launched a standalone jewellery insurance policy for cus-
        Munich Re’s cyber coverages cur-  tomers. The plan offers coverage for the entire value of a
        rently include: privacy breach liabil-  piece of jewellery or entire collection in the case of loss,
        ity; confidentiality breach liability;  damage or theft. The coverage is likely to be cost approxi-
        privacy breach protection; loss or  mately 1% to 2% of the item’s total value every year.
        theft of data; cyber extortion; net-
                                          GEICO intends to meet more specialised coverage need of jewellery owners as
        work security liability; reputational
                                          traditional homeowners or renters policies cover jewellery damage or loss only
        risks; payment card industry data
                                          up to a certain limit. The offering will also give customers the option to choose
        security standard (PCI-DSS); and  their own trusted jeweller for repairs, file fast and easy claims in case some-
        business interruption.
                                          thing happens.
                                                                       The Insurance Times, August 2019 15
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