Page 12 - Insurance Times August 2019
P. 12

Citigroup extends health          AYUSH Ministry substantially underfunded, says minister

        coverage to live-in part-         Shripad Yesso Naik, the Minister of State (Independent charge for AYUSH), has
                                                              recently stated that said the Ministry of AYUSH is sub-
        ners, LGBT employees                                  stantially underfunded. He further added that in order
        In a bid to take more inclusive em-                   to take up AYUSH healthcare activities, the ministry fell
                              plo y e e                       short of funds since the activities included drug quality
                              policy ,                        control, production of herbal raw-material and other
                              Citigroup                       related works.
                              Inc has                         Naik also reported the Commission regarding the inad-
                              taken the                       equacy of funds received by State AYUSH Departments.
                              initiative  “Most of the State AYUSH Departments did not receive funds from special
                              to extend   sources like the 14th Finance Commission award. The central grant –in-aid al-
        its health insurance coverage all do-  located under National AYUSH Mission (NAM) to States and UTs also remains
        mestic partners, including live-in  insufficient and inadequate due to small size of NAM Scheme,” said Naik.
        partners and LGBT partners in India.
        However, there are several compa-  He further added, “Administrative framework to oversee the implementation
        nies already offer similar policies to  of AYUSH health care programmes at the State level is inadequate in most of
        members of the LGBT community.    the States and UTs. It severely hinders the quality and quantity of AYUSH
        Godrej Group, Accenture and IBM   healthcare services delivery in the underserved and unserved areas.”
        are some of the companies which   The following recommendations to the Commission have also been made by
        already offer medical insurance to  the ministry. “A minimum of 10 % of the Health sector grant earmarked under
        same-sex partners of their LGBTQ  15th Finance Commission award be dedicated to AYUSH Departments in States.
        employees.                        The existing CSS (NAM) should be allowed to continue with more comprehen-
                                          sive objectives and enhanced funding,” he said.
        Business sponsor of the Citi India
        Pride Network, Padmaja Chakravart,  He made further suggestion that funds, instead of being routed through the
        stated that the company is extend-  treasury, should directly be placed with implementing agencies. Also, indica-
        ing the medical insurance benefits to  tors for development of AYUSH may also be adopted as one of the criteria for
        domestic partners of their employ-  devolution of funds to States.
        ees that includes partners of the
        same sex or otherwise, who live to-  Digit Insurance to offer health insurance soon
                                          Digit Insurance is likely to enter into the health insurance segment soon. The
        While most companies in India do  company is currently dealing in international travel insurance, motor insurance,
        not offer insurance cover to unmar-  home insurance and mobile insurance, will sell medical policies as well. Vivek
        ried or live-in partners of hetero-  Chaturvedi, head of marketing and direct (online) sales, Digit Insurance stated
        sexual employees. Citibank sets itself  that they will launch their health insurance product in the next few days.
        as an example.
                                          According to IRDAI, Digit had recorded a gross written premium of Rs 460.03 crore
        According to the experts, such cov-  in the June quarter (Q1), which is a 338.83 percent year-on-year (YoY) growth.
        erage is not easy for a standalone  "Motor was a difficult business to crack. However, we wanted our claims settle-
        customer since insurance companies  ment to be our USP," Vivek said while motor explaining about his business. He
        ask for some kind of proof. However,  further informed that have simplified their policy document. "We created bite-
        if the coverage is part of a group  sized documents for our products and also started testing it with 15-year-old
        insurance policy then the company  children. The idea was that if a 15-year-old child can understand the product
        takes the responsibility. Citigroup's  features/documents, any regular customer will also be able to understand. If it is
        Pride Network was set up to create  complicated, we also rewrite the documents accordingly," he added.
        a more diverse organisation. The
                                          The company also has a net promoter score of 77 which reflects how satisfied
        network organises open houses and
                                          a customer is with the company's services and the index ranges from -100 to
        gets all its employees together to
                                          100. Digit relies on technology for claims settlement as well. Chaturvedi said
        generate awareness among many     that their mobile application makes it easier to settle claims as the documents
        other things.
                                          and pictures of damaged vehicles can be uploaded on this platform.
        12  The Insurance Times, August 2019
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