Page 11 - Insurance Times August 2019
P. 11

Health Insurance


        Manipal Group makes               Healthcare policy solutions based on RSBY, suggests
        space in health insurance         book
        biz                               In spite of the scheme Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna (RSBY), the children and
                                                              the mothers did not receive healthcare benefits because
        Seeing the potential in the country’s                 the number of earlier schemes would be spent most of
        health insurance sector Manipal                       the time on the head of the family. Based on a study of
        Group increased its stake in the joint                Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna (RSBY), a new book aims
        venture (JV) to 51% buying TTK                        to share insights that may be useful for other healthcare
        Group’s entire shareholding in the  schemes including the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojna (PMJAY).
        company which is pending regulatory  Written by social sector expert Sonalini Khetrapal, the book "Healthcare for
        approval. It must be noted that   India's Poor – The Health Insurance Way" sheds light on RSBY's implementa-
        Bengaluru-based Manipal Group en-  tions, success and its drawbacks to suggest improvement in other healthcare
        tered the insurance business last year.
                                          schemes, publisher Academic Foundation announced. While speaking at the
        Ranjan Pai, chairman of Manipal Edu-  launch event, Minister of Health and Family Welfare Harsh Vardhan said that
        cation and Medical Group (MEMG),  the book has "findings that are very important for us to understand".
        during an interview, spoke about the  "Although the RSBY was hurriedly launched, in the context of the scheme by
        group’s foray into the health insur-  the present government, there is a big difference in the spirit in which these
        ance business, investments, opportu-  schemes were launched. I am very confident that India has the capacity to pro-
        nities, and plans ahead.          vide healthcare for its people and provide insights for the rest of the world,"
        When asked about the key factor be-  the minister said. Focusing on universal healthcare as its backdrop, the book
        hind his investment into the health  throws light on contract design and looks at the incentive structures created
        insurance space, he said, “We tried  by the division of roles, responsibilities and relationships within the contracts.
        working with Cigna Corporation    The book also examines the regulatory and political environment, and the in-
        when they first entered India. It is  stitutional capacity to deliver quality services.
        our long-term play focused on our  "A study published in the British Medical Journal found that in 2011-12, 5.5 crore
        core business. Today India has a  people were pushed into poverty due to healthcare costs. As India works to
        mature insurance market. People   implement the potentially game-changing PMJAY program, it is very important
        are now buying insurance products.  for policymakers to understand in what ways RSBY succeeded and where it
        And I feel this change started hap-  failed." the author said.
        pening two-three years back. That’s
        the time we seriously started explor-                        OPD cover
        ing the space and when this oppor-  Out patient department (OPD) cover is offered as part of health insurance poli-
        tunity arrived we grabbed it.  So far,  cies. OPD treatment refers to procedures that do not require a stay in the hospi-
        it has worked out well. TTK was    tal and are done in the out-patient department. Apollo Munich and Max Bupa
        anyways looking at getting out of the  offer cashless OPD facility. However, there are limits to how much of OPD expenses
        business so we found it easier. And  will be covered in a year. Max Bupa's GoActive family floater plan offers 10 cash-
        both Cigna Corporation.”           less or reimbursable consultations with a cap of Rs. 500-600 per consultation.

                                                                       The Insurance Times, August 2019 11
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