Page 10 - Insurance Times August 2019
P. 10

LIC’s market share de-            LIC offloads 2% in BHEL, Axis Bank
        clines for 5th consecutive        The LIC has offloaded 2% stake in Axis Bank and Bharat Heavy Electricals each.
                                                                          As per a regulatory filing, LIC sold 2.004%
        year                                                              stake or 5.25 crore shares in Axis Bank,

        Private players are seemed to give                                bringing down its total holding in the pri-
        tough competition to the insurance                                vate sector lender to 10.209%. Between
        giant of India, LIC as they are using                             March 21, 2014 and June 20, 2019, the
        new-age digital marketing technolo-                               transaction was carried out in the open
        gies. As per the latest data from  market. LIC’s holding in Axis Bank fell to 10.2019, following the stake sale.
        IRDAI, the market share of LIC in  At the same time, in a separate regulatory filing, BHEL said that LIC sold 2.001%
        terms of first year premium up to  of its holding in the company amounting to 6.96 crore shares through the open
        May 31, 2019, was 66.08%, down    market. With this, its total holding has come down to 11.701% in BHEL. The
        from 67.40% up to May 31, 2018.   stake sale happened between April 4 and June 20.
        Over the past one year, LIC’s market
        share declined marginally. LIC’s  LIC to put Rs 30,000 crore in NHAI
        share in the overall life insurance  For a funding of Rs 30,000 crore in the current financial year, the national high-
        business came down from 75.34% in  ways authority is tapping LIC. In response to that,
        2013-14 to 69.36% in 2017-18. On  LIC has given in-principle nod in order to subscribe
        the contrary, the market share of 23  to the bonds issued by National Highways Author-
        private insurers increased from   ity of India (NHAI), as informed by an official.
        26.95% in 2013-14 to 30.64% in    “We need long-term funds (for NHAI), and this
        2017-18.                          funding arrangement will be for a span of 30
        Over the past few years, private in-  years,” said the official. He added, “The advantage of insurance funds is that
        surance firms say that they have  these are long-term.” The official also added that LIC is a sensible choice given
        been investing on new-age digital  the gestation period of road projects is also long, “Modalities for the arrange-
        technologies to make their service  ment are being worked out. We will see how we can negotiate the coupon
        reached out in semi urban and rural  rates,” the official said.
        areas. “Our core strategy comprises  According to the guidelines by IRDAI in terms of investment by insurance com-
        3 Ds – data, digitise and disrupt. We  panies, the plan will be firmed up. The move comes as the highways ministry
        leverage data to understand the   faces stiff targets to raise funds outside of the budgetary allocation of Rs 36,691
        behaviour of our customers; we in-  crore for FY20.
        vest in digitisation to improve opera-  NHAI chairman NN Sinha had recently stated that the authority aims to increase
        tional efficiencies; we focus on de-  Rs 75,000 crore from the market this financial year. In the past, NHAI has sold
        veloping disruptive technologies to  its AAA rated bonds to the state-owned insurer with an aim to increase around
        differentiate ourselves. This has re-  Rs 1 lakh crore from LIC. Around Rs 13,500 crore through sale of long-term
        sulted in better customer retention,”  maturity bonds had been increased by the authority in two tranches to LIC in
        said Nipun Kaushal, chief marketing  2017.
        officer (CMO) of PNB MetLife.
                                          On the other hand, in the month of June of 2018, NHAI has increased Rs 2,000
        As per Chandramohan Mehra, CMO,   crores from the insurer.. “This year, there is pressure on NHAI to raise more non-
        Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance, along  budgetary resources than the budget allocation and LIC is the most sensible
        with digital technologies, innova-  way to start with. This will hopefully encourage more PSUs and insurance com-
        tions in products in compliance with  panies to come forward and fund infrastructure projects,” said Vinayak
        demands of the millennials has been  Chatterjee, chairman, Feedback Infra.
        a key factor in terms of growth.  Manish Agarwal, lead-infrastructure at PwC said that though the funding plan
        “Millennials are looking to meet  from LIC comes as a positive for NHAI, the need to attract private investment
        multiple life goals, and maximise liv-  still remains. “Only when private sector investment comes in the roads sector,
        ing benefits. Hence, the whole nar-  investors will feel confident that investment will come into other infrastructure
        rative has changed,” Mehra said.  sectors,” he added.

        10  The Insurance Times, August 2019
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