Page 48 - Insurance Times August 2019
P. 48

Non-Life Insurance Plan

                                                            Individual Health


                                                            from Universal Sompo General

                                                            Insurance Company Limited

       H       ealth Insurance policy of Universal Sompo is of-  Add-on Cover:

               fered to individual and/or his family. The policy de-
                                                            The Policy can be extended to cover certain Critical Illness
               signed to pay the Insured person(s) the hospital-
               ization expenses as well as domiciliary hospitaliza-  Exclusions
        tion benefits if he/she suffers an illness or accidental injury
                                                            The Policy covers loss or damage to the Insured Person
        during the policy period.                           arising out of:
        Y  Treatments only in the Hospitals / Nursing homes in
                                                            Y   Pre-existing diseases are not covered.
           India are covered.
                                                            Y   Any expense on hospitalization or domiciliary hospital-
        Y  The coverage includes expenses incurred towards
                                                                ization incurred on account of any illness contacted
           room, boarding expenses, nursing expenses, surgeon
                                                                during first 30 days from the date of commencement
           / specialist fees, charges for blood, oxygen etc.
                                                                of an insurance cover is not covered. However, this ex-
        Y  Domiciliary hospitalization benefit means Medical    clusion shall not be applicable if Hospitalization is re-
           treatment for a period exceeding 3 days for such ill-  quired on account of an accident.
           ness which in the normal course require treatment in
                                                            Y   During the first year of the cover, the expense of treat-
           a hospital but actually taken whilst confined at home  ment of diseases such as Cataract, Benign Prostatic Hy-
           in India since.
                                                                pertrophy, Hysterectomy, Piles, Sinusitis and related
           (1) the condition of the patient is such that he can-  disorders not payable.
               not be removed to a hospital or.
                                                            Y   Injury or disease directly or indirectly attributable to
           (2) the patient cannot be removed to the hospital for  War, invasion, Act of Foreign enemy not payable.
               lack of accommodation.
                                                            Y   Circumcision unless necessary for treatment of a dis-
        Y  The indemnity provided by the policy is restricted to  ease is excluded.
           sum insured and the sub-limits provided in the sched-
                                                            Y   Cost of spectacles, contact lenses, hearing aids are
        Y  Premium is calculated depending on the age of the
                                                            Y   Dental treatment or surgery of any kind unless hospi-
           insured and the sum insured selected.
                                                                talization is required is excluded.
        Y  If Your age or Your dependant's age is more than 45
                                                            Y   Venereal diseases, intentional self-injury and use of in-
           years , You /Your dependents shall have to undergo
                                                                toxicating drugs/alcohol are excluded.
           medical tests as prescribed by Us and the cost of such
                                                            Y   Any treatment directly or indirectly for treatment as-
           expenses shall be borne by You.
                                                                sociated with AIDS.
        Y  The entry age under the policy should be less than 55
                                                            Y   Cosmetic or aesthetic treatment is excluded.
                                                            Y   Voluntary termination of Pregnancy.
        Y  Maximum coverage is Rs.5 lacs.
                                                            Y   Pregnancy and Child-birth.
        Y  As per Income Tax Act, the premium paid for this cover
           is exempted from tax under Section 80 D.         Y   Naturopathy Treatment. T

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