Page 52 - Insurance Times August 2019
P. 52

Notice inviting Expression of Interest for All General Insurers (Other Than Stand-
        development of IRDAI’s New website Alone Health Insurers And Specialised

        and Intranet portal                                 Insurers)
        Ref. No:IRDA/IT/2019/01                             Ref. No:IRDAI/NL/CIR/MOT/112/07/2019
        On-line bids for Expression of Interest are invited from  As per the Circular Ref: IRDA/NL/CIR/MOT/137/08/2018 dated
        CMMi Level 3 or above Information Communication     28th August, 2018 on implementation of the Directions of
        Technology(ICT) systems development and implementation  the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the matter of WP
        agencies for the development of IRDAI’s new website and  No.295/2012 of Shri.S.Rajaseekaran vs Union of India and
        Intranet Portal.                                    Ors., all general Insurers shall offer three-year Motor Third
                                                            Party Insurance cover for new cars and five-year Motor Third
        The detailed bidding document etc. can be viewed /
                                                            Party Insurance policies for new two-wheelers.
        downloaded from the website:
                                                            It is hereby reiterated that long term motor product
        Bidders are required to upload and submit their e-bid on
                                                            permitted under para 2(i), 5 (i) shall be offered only to new
        Central Public Procurement Portal only. All amendments,
                                                            private cars and new two-wheelers. These products shall not
        time extension, clarifications, etc., will be uploaded on the
                                                            be offered for renewal of existing policies or for old vehicles.
        website only.
                                                            However, Long Term Two Wheeler Insurance Policy being
        Bidders should regularly visit website to keep themselves  issued for three-years as permitted vide circular ref IRDA/
        updated.                                            NL/CIR/MOTP/192/08/2014 dated 4th August, 2014 may
                                                            continue to be offered for renewal.
                                                            (T. L. Alamelu)
        Chief General Manager (IT)
                                                            Member (Non-life)

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