Page 37 - Banking Finance November 2022
P. 37


          the bank to the  survivor will discharge the  bank of  its  deposit having E or S mode of operation, in the event of
          liabilities under the debtor creditor relationship arising out  death of one of the joint holders, the survivor may obtain
          of establishing such accounts.                      premature repayment of the deposit. Thus the regulators
                                                              instructions  about the  survivorship  clause  and  public
          However  courts  have  been  more  concerned  with  the  perception were in sync till this point of time. ( Whether the
          question of determining the rights of ownership and vesting  survivor is the absolute owner of the proceeds is a different
          of property upon the survivor vis a vis other claimants/legal  matter and not discussed here).
          heirs, rather than the banking transaction rights of  the
          survivor(s).  Whether  the E  or S  mandate  entrusts  the  The stance changed in 2011 when the RBI vide their circular
          survivor(s) with all the rights to encash the FD as per their  DBOD No. Leg BC 46 /09.07.005/2011-12 dated November
          wish is a question that has not been really dealt with by the  4, 2011 conveyed to banks that “ in case joint depositors of
          courts. Resolving this question is important for banks because  term/fixed deposits with “Either or Survivor” or “Former or
          of the value of this product amongst the portfolio of liability  Survivor” mandate intend to allow premature withdrawal
          products offered by banks. FDs are marketed as products  of their deposits by one of the joint depositors on the death
          that  provide  both  easy  liquidity  and  returns  to  their  of the other, it would be open for banks to allow the same,
          customers.                                          “provided they have taken a specific joint mandate from the
                                                              depositors for the said purpose.” On 16.07.2012, while
          They are easily encashable, they can be kept as security and  reiterating this proviso, the RBI further clarified that “The
          loans can be provided against them. The attraction towards  joint deposit holders may be permitted to give the mandate
          the product can get seriously impaired if the customers  either at  the  time of placing fixed deposit  or anytime
          cannot make full use of all of these features. Such occasions  subsequently during the term/tenure of the deposit. If such
          arise time  and again-  -  requirement  of funds  to  meet  a  mandate  is  obtained,  banks  can  allow  premature
          emergencies and social obligations, medical treatments,  withdrawal of term/fixed deposits by the surviving depositor
          short term mismatches in income flows and expenditures,  without seeking the concurrence of the legal heirs of the
          etc. are real life situations which more often than not call  deceased joint deposit holder.”
          for  falling  back  on  the  trusted  FD  savings.  Due  to
          unavailability of all the joint holders for any reason like  It is apparent that the underpinnings for the revision were
          incapacitation, transit in travel, outside station and such,  legal opinions and judgements by various courts looking into
          customers will find themselves in a hard pressed position.  disputes over payment by banks of jointly held deposits. The
          They would have the funds but would be unable to access  law therefore became settled that the survivorship clause
          the same without the presence and signatures of all the  applies  only  at  the  time  of  maturity  and  premature
          deposit holders.                                    payments based on the survivorship clause are bad in law.
                                                              Consequently,  the  survivorship  clause  for  premature
          The change in perception came about in 2011. Till then the  payments may be applied if and only if there exists an
          practice of E or S as literally understood was quite prevalent.  underlying mandate from all the joint deposit holders, which
          In fact, the RBI, in June 2005, vide RBI/2004-05/490 DBOD.
          No.Leg. BC.95 /09.07.005/2004-05 dated June 09, 2005, as
          part of its drive to simplify procedures for settlement of
          claims in respect of  deposits of deceased  persons had
          advised banks to publicise their instructions, inter alia, that
          (i) the event of the death of the depositor, premature
             termination of term deposits would be allowed;

          (ii) the event of the death of one of the joint account
             holders, the right to the deposit proceeds does not
             automatically devolve on the surviving joint deposit
             account holder, unless there is a survivorship clause;

          A reading of the above clearly shows  that  in case of a

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