Page 51 - Banking Finance November 2022
P. 51


               Why banks want you to swipe

                             new credit card soon

                   Credit card-issuing banks are going all out to get  Visa  India  head  Sandeep  Ghosh  said,  “It  is activation
         C         receiving them. On the anvil are offers for early  and usage that drives profits. Weeding out unused cards is
                   customers to use their cards within a month of
                                                              not a bad thing. However, there is the issue of sunk cost,
                   use,  linking  fee  waiver  to  usage  and  more
          intensive communication with customers.             which is why there is a lot of effort to get customers who
                                                              are sitting on cards to get them activated.” According to
                                                              Ghosh, Visa has already provided many insights to banks on
          In August, outstanding credit cards shrunk by 22.6 lakh as
          new RBI norms came into effect. To ensure that banks did  the best way to increase activation and regular usage. For
                                                              banks, the sunk cost can be high. First, there is the cost of
          not push credit cards to those who did not need them, the
                                                              the card itself, which has gone up because of chip shortages
          RBI has ordered cancellation of cards that are not activated
          soon after use. All banks say that the focus will now shift to  and the need to incorporate an NFC feature in every card.
          sourcing from channels where the activation is high. For the  Plus, there is the cost of secure delivery and handling. These
          cards already issued, banks are making intensive efforts to  itself cost the bank a couple of hundred rupees. It goes up
          engage with cardholders and get them to use the cards  further when there are added privileges like lounge access
          within the first month.                             for  which  the  bank  will  pay  the  card  network  (Visa,
                                                              Mastercard, RuPay) a fee which includes the cost of these
          The industry practice of distributing cards — irrespective of
          whether the customer uses it or not — will drop, according
          to Parag Rao, HDFC Bank group head (payments, consumer  Axis Bank president & head (cards) Sanjeev Moghe said,
          finance, digital banking & IT. “I believe it is time fees come  “The cost of not activating a card within 30 days goes up
          back,” said Rao.                                    significantly. So, our efforts to activate the card in the first
                                                              month are intensifying. We are focusing more on channels
          Fees are not necessarily a deterrent for customers as even
                                                              where the activation  rates are  higher.  Second,  we  are
          in cards where there is already a fee, it is either waived
                                                              putting more effort into early engagement with customers.
          subject to usage or offset by benefits. According to Rao,
                                                              There will be some offers and incentives. We can also send
          despite the drop in numbers, there has been an increase in
                                                              communication and obtain explicit consent if the customer
          card usage and spending.
                                                              wants to retain the card.”
          “We  have  been  issuing  fee-based  cards  and,  as  a
                                                              According to Visa’s Ghosh, the trend of selling cards to
          consequence, we have more engaged and active customers
                                                              existing cardholders is not going away thanks to businesses
          compared to issuers who predominantly issue lifetime free
                                                              issuing them. “About 10 years ago, one in every 10 cards
          cards. Our 30 days spend active percentage has been at 50%-
                                                              was  co-branded. Now,  almost one in every  four is co-
          plus consistently,” said SBI Card MD & CEO Rama Mohan
          Rao Amara. “Long-term, non-spending customers usually do  branded, and these have distinct propositions with distinct
          not pay fees. In case fee is levied, these customers either  rewards,” said Ghosh. “Even mass-market customers now
          choose to start using the card after payment of fees or close  have multiple cards. From the customer’s standpoint, it
          it. According to RBI guidelines, the closing of 12-month-  makes  sense  to have  cards  for  distinctive needs  like
          inactive customers will lead to volatility in card numbers  consumer durables, travel, frequent purchases, fuel, and
          across the industry in the short term and should stabilise in  marketplace  cards  to  take  advantage  of  the  value
          next couple of months,” he added.                   proposition.” (Source: ToI)

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